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~Y/n's POV~

~in the morning~

I hear my door close.

"Leggy, Is that you?" I mumble.

"Yes, it is me. How is your head?"

I open my eyes. "Good, but I need cuddles." I reach my arms out.

Legolas smiles softly. He crawls next to me. I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes.

Legolas presses a kiss against my lips.

I smile then bury my face in his chest.

I fall back asleep.

~a couple of hours later~

I open my eyes.

"Good morning, Meleth nin."

I smile and kiss him.

"Is the wedding today?" I ask.

"It is tomorrow."

I get out of bed.

I grab some clothes and change out of my dress.

Me and Legolas rebraid each other's hair before leaving.

We leave hand in hand to find the others.

We find everyone but Kylaney in the great hall.

"Good morning, Mellons." I say.

"Good morning, Y/n." Aragorn greets.

Arwen greets me with a small hug. "Are you feeling better?"

I smile. "Yes, much better. Thank you."

Arwen returns the smile. "You are welcome, Mellon."

"Where's Kylaney?" I ask.

"I took her to her quarters last night, she must still be sleeping." Éomer answers.

"I'm going to check on her." "Arwen, would you join me just in case she has a hangover?"

Arwen nods. "Of course."

I press a kiss against Legolas's cheek before leaving with Arwen.

I knock on Kylaney's door.

I hear a groan in response.

"It's me and Arwen."

A few moments she opens the door holding her head.

"I'm assuming you're not feeling too well?" I ask

"Not at all, you?"

"I don't have a hangover, thanks to Arwen. We came to see if you had one because she can help with that."


Arwen places her hand on Kylaney's forehead and says the spell, but doesn't make her fall asleep.

"Is that better?" Arwen asks.

"Much better, thank you."

"Your boyfriend is in the great hall, if you want to see him." I tell Kylaney.

"Okay, thanks."

We make our way to the great hall.

We all hang out together for the rest of the day.

~later at night~

Me, Kylaney, and Éowyn make plans to surprise Arwen with a bachelorette party.

We set up a party in Arwen's room while she is away.

Forever and Always. [Legolas x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now