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Tysm for 3k reads!! ❤️❤️ ily all sm, especially laneynoir  ❤️ you are my biggest supporter and helped me out a sm, ilysm! I am so lucky to have a friend and supporter like you. ❤️❤️🥰

On to the story 😌


That night we celebrated, Kylaney got as drunk as ever. Legolas and I met a lot of people. It was an overall good night.


~time skip to 4 years later~

Legolas and I have been married and ruling Mirkwood together for 4 years now. Ive learned more about my powers, I have no new news of my mother, nor do I care. I do not care what happens to her, she decided to leave my life to worship Sauron, she left me to cope by myself when my Ada died.

We often got visits from our friends, or we often visit them them. I always look forward to seeing them. they are supposed to make it to Mirkwood today, all of them.

~Kylaney's pov~

We make it to Mirkwood and we dismount our horses, we leave them in the stables then walk to the palace.

The guards open the doors without question.

We walk into the throne room and see Legolas sitting atop the Throne.

"Hey, Princess." I greet.

Legolas smiles. "Welcome back to Mirkwood, Mellons nin." Legolas asks a guard to let Y/n know we are here.

Legolas walks down and greets Aragorn and Gimli.

A few seconds later Y/n comes in, running in a dress and heels, which she has made absolutely clear she hates to wear.

She group hugs Arwen, Éowyn, and I. Every time all of us meet, we act as if we haven't seen each other in years.

"We have some news to tell you all over dinner. Let me change out of these ridiculous clothes. You guys may stay in the same quarters as usual, we will see you all at dinner." Y/n says excitedly before grabbing Legolas's hand and running off.

~Y/n's pov~

Legolas chuckles. "Why are we running, Aurë?"

"The quicker we get to our quarters, the quicker I can get changed, and the quicker I can get changed the quicker we can go to dinner and tell them!!" I say overly excited.

Legolas chuckles more. "Alright."

We make it to our quarters. I open the door. Legolas closes it behind him.

I change out of my formal clothes and into a tunic and boots, they probably aren't dinner appropriate, but I don't care. Legolas changes into something less formal, but formal, nonetheless.

I grab an object and put in my satchel.

Legolas kisses me before we leave hand in hand.

Soon everyone meets us in the dining hall. Everyone sits down.

"So what's the big news?" Gimli asks.

Legolas and I stand up with smiles.

The maids brings us in wine.

We take out the object from the satchel and sit it on the table while the maids pour the wine in the glasses.

The object was a tiny tiara, crafted for a child.

Arwen and Aragorn get it immediately and grins spread across both of their faces.

"What is that? I don't get it." Gimli asks.

Kylaney's face lights up as soon as she realizes.

"You're pregnant?!"

I nod happily. "Yes!"

The girls get out of their seats and hug me almost immediately.

I sway them back and forth while giggling.

"This is great news!" Éowyn exclaims.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Arwen says.

"Congratulations, laddie." Gimli tells Legolas when we all sit back down.

"Yes, may the child's life be full of joy." Aragorn agrees.

The maids bring us food and we eat.

~two months later~

Thranduil is exited to be a grandfather and Legolas is exited to be a father, and understandably so. Legolas is great with children, I love to watch him with kids they always look up to him, it's adorable.

We're in an appointment for my pregnancy. Legolas has things to do but he always refuses to let me go alone. Legolas has grown more like that, he's always helping me out and making sure I'm resting or doing as the midwife says.

My midwife comes in with a smile. "We have reason to believe that you're having twins, your highnesses!"

Me and Legolas both smile overjoyed with the news. Legolas hugs me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Mellons! ❤️ We are getting closer to the end! ❤️🥹😌

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