Blaming yourself.

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~about 3 hours later~

I wake up and change into a tunic.

Kylaney walks in with a cloth over her forehead as I'm about to leave.

"Hey, I brought you one in case you had a hangover."

I chuckle. "I'm good, I hand only one or two drinks."

"The jealousy I have for you is real. Also, uhh.. this may sound weird, but did anything odd happen last night? I can't remember much after dancing with some random guy..."

"First of all, I think you danced with Èomer."

"Oh, I don't remember that at all. The guy I danced with had black hair, and smelled like blankets"

"Second, you called Aragorn your greasy boy, and also passed out in his arms while hugging him..."

"Yeah- wait. What?"

"Heh, yeah. It was quite amusing."

"Impossible, I believe my head just got worse. Please tell me you are joking."

"I'm not joking."

Kylaney slides the rag over her eyes. "Why? Whyyyy?"

"What's wrong with hugging Aragorn?"

"But... GrEASy  BoY?"

"And I passed out?"

I nod. "Yes, you passed out and he took you to your room to rest."

"And you didn't call him that to his face."

Kylaney whines. "Sweet baby ents, at least I have THAT to be thankful for... I'm going to the kitchens to get some tea, care to tag along?"

She links her arm through mine and we head towards the kitchens.

"I have some news for youuu." I grin.

"What is it?"

"Leggy, proposed last night!"

She lights up. "Really?!"

"Yes! He was so sweet, he took me on a walk then, BAM, he gets down on one knee and proposes!" I lift up my hand showing her the ring.

"Oo, pretty!"

"But then things kinda took a turn..."

"What happened?"

"Last night was also the first time I saw him cry, he told me that his mother died long ago in a battle, much like my ada-" I realize what I'm saying and I stop.

Kylaney stops walking and unlinks her arm from mine. "Wait, what about your Father?"

"It was a battle...and I watched him die.." I look down and try my best not to cry.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I just recently told Legolas.."

My efforts to not cry fail and tears slip down my cheeks.

"Hey, it's alright, we can talk about it later... let's get tea?"

I nod sadly.

We make it to the kitchens.

I'm still crying when Legolas walks in a few moments later.

I wipe my tears quickly.

"I thought I would find you-" he notices and comes over to me.

"What's wrong, Aurë?"

I stay silent and look down.

"She just told me about her dad." Kylaney informs him while making tea.

Legolas hugs me. While we hug, he picks me up and takes me into the hallway.

Legolas puts me down.

He tilts my chin up to face him. "Remember what you told me last night?"

I nod.

"Like you said, it's okay to be sad." He kisses my cheek.

I let more tears fall. "It's not that. I should have been fighting at his side. I could've saved him. It's my fault."

"Don't EVER say that about yourself . It was absolutely NOT your fault." He scolds.


I slowly slide down the wall and burry my face in my knees.

"Please don't blame yourself, Y/n." He said quietly.

I feel bad for yelling at him. "I'm sorry." I say in between shaky breaths, and crying harder.

I feel Legolas sit down next to me. He wraps his arms around me.

"I'm sorry..." I repeat in a whisper.


He gently strokes my hair.

~About 2 minutes later~

"I brought you some tea." I hear Kylaney say.

I look up and manage to smile.

She hands it to me with a soft sympathetic smile.


Legolas kisses the top of my head.

I take a sip of my tea.

"By the way, Legolas, congratulations on your engagement" Kylaney smiles.

"Thank you, Lady Kylaney."

"Now, for the overprotective friend speech; If you hurt her, I swear to the Valar I will break you."

"You won't have to-"

"Kay, Thanks. Byeee." She leaves.

I chuckle at her behavior.

"Was that a laugh I heard?" Legolas asks.

I grin. "No."

I sip my tea then sit it on the ground.

"Mhm, sureee."

"It wasn't." I lie, grinning.

Suddenly he pins me to the ground, causing me to squeal.

"Okay, okay. Maybeeee I lied."

He smiles satisfied with himself, then presses a kiss against my lips, before sitting back up. He grabs my hand and sits me up.

Kylaney shows back up.

"Aragorn wants to talk to you and I" she tells me.

"Alright." I kiss Legolas then stand up. "Finish my tea, please?"

He nods.

"You seem better." Kylaney says with a smile.

I smile. "Yes, thanks to you and Legolas."

We walk off to find Aragorn.

Hello, Mellons! ❤️ hope you enjoyed this chapter!❤️❤️

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