Shampoo stealing

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"How long have you been crying?" Legolas asks.

"Since you left." I rely quietly.

"I should have stayed with you, I am sorry, meleth nin."

"It's alright."

I pull Legolas to lay down.

He presses a kiss against the tip of my nose. I slightly smile at him.

I closes my eyes and fall asleep shortly after.

~in the morning~

I wake up to a voice saying. "Y/n, I'm going to steal your shampoo."

I shoot up. "You will not!"

I see Kylaney standing laughing. I smack Her.

"What was that for?" I ask

"You wouldn't wake up."

I glare at her.

"Okay, maybe I just wanted to try it out."

I sigh. "There. Now you know. Next time try it on Legolas, instead of me."

"No one even jokes about stealing my shampoo." Legolas says.

I look at Legolas with a smirk. "I'm going to steal your shampoo."

Legolas starts to protest but I run to our bathroom and grab his shampoo.

Legolas darts after me and sweeps me into his arms.

I hold onto the shampoo tightly and He pries it from my fingers.

I laugh. "You're more attached to your shampoo than I am."

I can hear Kylaney laughing from behind us.

"You cannot just get this hair by not trying." Legolas says.

"Hold on.." I flip his hair with a grin. "Perfect."

"A natural diva." Kylaney chimes.

I chuckle.

Legolas glares at me as he puts his shampoo away.

I flop back on the bed with a sigh. "I should probably go check on my Nana."

"Probably." Kylaney agrees.

I stand back up and grab a tunic to change into. "I will meet you guys for breakfast in a few minutes."

Legolas nods then walks into the bathroom to change.

I go behind a dressing screen and change.

I come out. "I will see you in a few minutes."

Legolas and Kylaney leave for the kitchens. I find Éowyn and she leads me to my mother's room.

I knock on the door while Éowyn leaves. My mother opens the door and welcomes me inside.

"I need explanations, where did you go? Why did you go? How did you find me?"

Naneth has me sit down on the bed and sits next to me.

"I went to seek adventure." My mother says.

"Then why didn't you tell us? I know that's not the truth, I'm not a hína anymore, tell me the truth." [child]

"Alright then, if you're so grown up, I will tell you." "I was a servant of Sauron."

I stand up and stagger back.

"I am Sehanine, goddess of death."

"You cannot be. And most certainly cannot be my mother."

"I am your mother. I came to bring you with me, we can rule middle earth together. We would be all powerful, and no one to stop us."

"I'm not coming with you. I will not allow you to rule middle earth!"

My mother holds her out her hand, lifting me up. It feels as if she's holding me by the neck.

"If you follow me, I will not hurt you."

"I will not follow you!"

She throws me against a wall. I let out a small whimper before saying a quick protection spell in Quenya that Arwen had taught me. I dart for the door and run through the halls.

"Get back here!" My mother shouts.

I run into the kitchens. "Where is Gandalf?!"

"What's wrong?" Legolas asks.

"My naneth is the goddess of death! I NEED GANDALF!"

Legolas darts out of the room for Gandalf.

A few minutes later Gandalf and Legolas return.

"What happened?" Gandalf asks.

"My mother claims to be the goddess of death, she says she was a servant of Sauron and she wants me to rule middle earth with her! And I know enough to know I am no match for her."

"Take me to her."

I lead Gandalf and Legolas to her room. As soon as we walk inside my mother lifts me up again, but this time it feels as if she has a tighter hold.

"You try anything and I will hurt her." My mother demands.

"You will not harm her." Legolas says defensively.

My mother walks towards Legolas and places her fingers in his chin. "And who is this?"

"Leave him alone!" I shout.

"I am Legolas greenleaf, son of Thranduil, her fiancé."

My mother looks at me. "Ah, you've found yourself an ellon."

"It would be a shame if one of you were to die." She says while pointing a dagger at Legolas's throat.

"You will not harm them, Sehanine" Gandalf tells her.

"And who are you to stop me?"

Hello, Mellons! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one! ❤️

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