Telling Y/n

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The wedding night was full of fun and laughter. Kylaney got drunk, as usual. So did Merry, pippin, and Gimli. Legolas and I left a bit earlier than usual to put the babies to sleep. We said our goodbyes to Kylaney and Éomer before we left, for they were to leave first thing in the morning.

~Early in the morning~

Legolas and I wake up as our two children begin crying. We get out of bed and take the crying Elflings from their cradle.

Legolas calms and rocks Elebereth as I feed Estel.

"Shhh." Legolas cooes as Elebereth keeps crying. Nothing seems to help so he sings to her in Sindarin. She slowly begins to calm down as her cry's get quieter and slower.

Legolas smiles as he finishes singing. He kisses the top of her head.

I finish feeding Estel and hand him to Legolas as he hands me Elebereth.

A few minutes later, someone knocks on our door. Legolas opens it to reveal one of the Mirkwood Guards that came with us.

The guard bows. "My Lord. I bring word from your father."

Legolas sits Estel back in the cradle before walking out into the hall and closing the door.

~Legolas' Pov~

"What is it, Mahanon?" I ask.

"Your father says the threats are only getting worse. They are calling for war, my Lord."

"Tell my father to ready the armies. But he is not to do anything until I get back to Mirkwood. Understood?"

"Right away, my Lord." Mahanon bows before leaving.

I sigh and pace anxiously.

A few moments later I leave for Aragorn's chambers. I reach them and knock on his door.

Aragorn steps outside. He notices my troubled look and closes the door behind him.

"What is it that troubles you at this hour, Mellon nin?"

"War has been called upon the woodland realm."

Without thinking for more than a second Aragorn says, "I will help you."

"Hannon le, Mellon nin. Can I ask one more favor of you?"

"What would that be?"

"To have Y/n and the children stay with Arwen in Gondor."

"Legolas, know Y/n, she's not going to be happy with that."

"I know. But I have to try. I cannot lose them. Please."

Aragorn nods. "I will do whatever is possible."

"Thank you again, Aragorn."

Aragorn smiles slightly. "Of course. Now, you must get ready. I will be ready and send word to my army by time you are ready to ride out."

"We leave at first light, tomorrow." I decide.

Aragorn nods and I walk away.

I make it back to Y/n and I's chambers. I take a breath before opening the door.

The babies are both in the cradle and Y/n is sitting on the bedside waiting for me.

"What's going on?" Y/n asks as I begin grabbing some of my things.

I stop what I'm doing and sit down next to her. I press a kiss on her lips.

"Y/n, please listen carefully."

"Legolas...what's happening?"

"War has been called upon the woodland realm-"

"What?? Why?! By who?"

"The dark Elves, they want to take my throne."

"I need you to stay in Gondor with the children for a while...until things settle down."

"What?! No! I'm fighting with you!" She resists.

"You mustn't. You must take care of our children for me. Please understand that I'm trying to protect the three of you."

"I know you want to protect us, But I want to fight with you. Like we did not that long ago."

"No. It is different this time, We didn't have children then."

"Legolas, please-"

"NO. I said no." I yell.

Y/n looks down. "I'm sorry...I-I just want to help. It's just,...What if-" tears begin filling her eyes. "What if something happens to you? I would never forgive myself knowing that...maybe, I could've changed something..." tears her down her cheeks.

My eyes fill with regret. I hug her. "Forgive me, Meleth nin. I should not have yelled at you."

She sniffles. "It's okay..."

"We fear the same thing for each other, you know what I would feel if I lost you. Please, do this for not just me, but our children, our friends. So many need you and would miss you."

"Everyone would miss you too!" She mumbles on my shoulder.

"But I am king, it is what I must do. I will make it back to you, I promise you."

Y/n and I pull from our hug.

"Okay..." she finally gives in sadly.

I wipe her remaining tears. "Hey, I love you. Don't you ever forget that."

She smiles lightly. "I love you too."

I kiss her.

"So, when do you leave?" Y/n asks a few moments after we pull away.

"First light tomorrow."

"I'm gonna miss you..."

"If things go well, I will not be gone long." I try to brighten her mood.

Y/n nods.

I kiss her forehead before resuming packing.

Kinda short but I wanted to make up for the it taking me forever! Love y'all sm! 🥰

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