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Days are fast approaching.

But you weren't excited, In fact you hoped that days would come by soon enough and you'll just sleep and pretend that everything is fine and wake up and never think about your birthday existing at all. “Y/N!” Faruzan called you out, which made you snapped out of your thoughts. “Stop spacing out go deliver this to Kshahrewar Darshan, Your brother needs it.” You nodded.

As you walked, again because of you spacing out, you fell in the ground because someone bumped in you; that someone being the least you wanted to see right now. “O-Ouch..” Yuqi muttering before looking up, You face grimaced as you saw her. You were just about to say sorry when, “Why are you not saying sorry?” Alhaitham with his nonchalant attitude said, Now you were pissed. You were just about to, Yuqi tried to get in between the two of you and explain that it was fine.

“I was about to. Whether I apologize or not is my decision, You didn't even know the whole story.” You deadpanned, But of course Alhaitham countered back, “It doesn't matter, Apologize to Ms. Yuqi now.” You glared at him. “Alhaitham stop!” Yuqi screamed making you both look at her. “It's not her fault, It was mine.” You gritted your teeth as you glared at Alhaitham, eyes starting to tear up as you pushed him aside furiously stomping all your way to your brother's office. There were many people who witnessed that it seemed like you were heartless, That you were the rude person, The meanest.

You bit you bottom lip as you entered your brother's office, shaking as you put the documents on his desk, “Y/N? What happened?” Kaveh asked worriedly, You didn't answer instead you sat on the sofa and covered your whole face with your palm, Kaveh joined you as he rubbed your back and that's where you started to cry, Ugly sobbing noises filled up the office as you continued to sob on your brother's arms, It's not just because of what happened earlier, everything seems just to haunt you even more so that your birth date is fast approaching.

Kaveh knows why but he just can't seem to comfort you. It pains him to see you suffer all the time whenever the date of your birth is near, He had tried different methods of cheering you up, healing your wounds but he just can't no matter how hard he tried and it frustrates him so much that all he can do is watch. “It's gonna be fine, You're fine. He's not here anymore.”

“We'll always be together brother, promise?”


Archons knew how much Kaveh had put his efforts on planning the perfect party for his sibling that he had to rent the whole Palace of Alcazarzaray from it's owner, Dori. Although many might know him as a broke architect because he is in Alhaitham's house; But Kaveh is more wealthy than he looks, Even more so if he wasn't lazing around. But he managed to struck a deal with Dori, How did he did it? No one knows.

“Don't do that, move it a little on the center.. yes, yes, perfect!” Kaveh said, The place was designed marvelously of course; Kaveh was artistic and was genius on what he does best and he decided that this will be the year that his younger sister would really enjoy her birthday, He was even more determined after seeing you cry the other, other day.

Faruzan was applying you make up, Having Nilou as her assistant, You weren't really enjoying yourself, Rather you wanted to run away but your brother worked so hard for this you can just be selfish and threw all his hard work away— “Sister Y/N! This is for you!” Collei said her hands on her nape, you opened your eyes as you saw not to little not to big doll, And it seemed like it was designed after you. “Wow~ Collei you really have a talent for sewing!” Nilou exclaimed, You smiled. You were wondering why she still haven't said those words, All she could do was give you a smile.

“I will only say it if you're already okay about it, Sister Y/N.” You felt your heart warmed up, “You look so pretty!” Nilou said and gave you a box as you opened it, It contained a music box. “Thank you.. Nilou..” You said, It was Faruzan's turn to give you, your gift It was a small box and when you opened it you saw a necklace.

“Y/N, don't worry.. You're safe alright?” You nodded. Kaveh came in and saw you he smiled; “Ah, you really.. You really resemble Mom alot.” He came to you as he gave you a locket as you saw a picture of your.. Mother? “Brother Is this..?" He nodded.

You didn't see your mother, Nor saw a glimpse of her because your father forbid you too, He destroyed all the portraits that had her in it for your misery. Now that you saw what her face looked like you couldn't help but hug the locket. “When Mother had you, she wished nothing but the best for you, always buying stuffs for you. She even made me wear your stuff one time just to see if it looked nice.” You laughed at his story, even the girls inside; Although Kaveh was embarrassed he was goad that he could lift up your mood.

“Now then, shall we?” You nodded as you slid your arms in Kaveh's as the three girls cheered at the back.

Cyno was talking to Tighnari the place was filled with some people; Normally Cyno didn't like crowded places but since It was your birthday how can he refuse this? “Collei is doing fine, her grades is going up which is a good development.” Tighnari said but stopped, “Cyno, look it's Y/N.” Cyno looked back to see you with Kaveh, he suddenly didn't know how to breathe; You were simply gorgeous in his eyes, you always were. Tighnari couldn't help but smirk.

“Lost for words, Lover boy?” Cyno smiled and sighed, “But Cyno.” Tighnari gaze at you. “You know it already?”

“That she will never ever think of me? How foolish.. But you are right.” Because even after all that moments, Your heart still belongs to him, And It shows.

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