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Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.

The sound of the clock ticking was all that can be heard in the Grand Sage's office with the heavy silence as the Kshahrewar Sage called out the younger's name. You on the other hand, face reddening as red as the tomato as you did your best to try and compose yourself.

That's because, Your brother was clenching his fist when he saw you sitting on Alhaitham's lap, Kaveh seems to misunderstood the whole thing. “Alhaitham. I permitted your relationship with my sister but what the hell is this?!” he yelled, but Alhaitham was unfazed. “Please brother—” You said but Kaveh glared at you which made you silent in an instant, This was an embarrassing moment and neither Alhaitham wanted to let you go off his lap.

This was an interesting position how'd it get into this?

“Alhaitham, this needs to be signed.” You saw your lover there sitting and signing the papers in his desk. It's been a while since you two became others called, “lovers” some was happy, Some were confused and some was shocked. But you were now dating Sumeru's Grand Sage.

You strictly told Alhaitham that within work hours you two must remain professional and address each other with your respective titles; Of course Alhaitham knew this, thus he agreed. Alhaitham hasn't seen you almost three days because of your busy schedule, And when he comes to visit gets dragged away by his senior, Kaveh and preventing him to see you by making him do paperworks alone.

“Sage Y/N, come here.” You thought it was a simple request and you thought that he just needed an answer, Unexpectedly he grabs your hand as he pulls you down on his lap, Your face reddens but you saw Alhaitham with a sly smirk plastered on his face. “Alhaitham..” You said, he hugged your waist leaning his head on your back. “Let's stay this for a while I haven't seen you in days.” Of course, you understood that since even you; missed him.

But works matter most. The two of you stayed in that position for minutes when the door opened revealing Kaveh. With a bunch of papers in his hands as he saw you two his jaw dropped, A vein popped on his temple as he clenched the papers he was holding. You were about to stand up but knowing Alhaitham's strength you were hopeless and was defenseless thus staying on his lap and now the situation has become worst than it is.

The two man are embarrasing you, That's for sure.

“Ah, whatever! You summoned a little ball of water as you splashed both Alhaitham and Kaveh's face with it and stormed out of the office, still feeling embarrassed.



What was this situation? You and Alhaitham decided to go home together but unfortunately something came, You saw two familiar people arguing in the House of Daena.

“Ah, look at this arrogant man!” Yuqi exclaimed, Lumine being infront of them stopping them from fighting, The other person was Kaveh. “Tsk, what would an outlander know?” Kaveh, with his sassy attitude said.

“L-Lumine.. what's going on.. here?” You said as you saw the two people that seemed not to be too fond of each other, Alhaitham following you. Paimon cried as she came to you stomping her feet in the air. “Y/N please help us! They've been fighting since earlier!” Paimon said.

Apparently Kaveh was instructed by Lesser Lord Kusanali to take Yuqi around the Akademiya since The Lesser Lord wants Yuqi to join a darshan in the akademiya. Unfortunately... It didn't go quiet well as planned. “Hmph how dare you say that arts are no significant you seem the boring type of person, I can name a few if you don't mind.” Kaveh said glancing at Alhaitham who avoided his gaze.

“Brother, stop that. Yuqi, You say you want to join Darshan could you say your interests?” You asked, Yuqi seemed surprised but quickly nodded. “Oh! I like astrology..” Your eyes widened. “Ah then you could go to Rtawahist Darshan, I'll go talk to Haypasia tomorrow.” You smiled. Her eyes sparkled, “T-Thank you Y/N.” She said shyly.


“Alhaitham? I see. So he has become the Grand Sage now? How amusing.” A man said as turned around seeing another man with long hair, “He seems well. Don't you think so?” A woman said smirking.

A long haired man replied, “I heard he even has a lover now, Alhaitham really.” He said the three of them looked at each other, Thinking about a certain Grand Sage. “It appears that Alhaitham forgot all about us~”

“That can't be right, Let's give him a surprise?” The woman suggested giving a giggle, “Aw I wonder what'll be his reaction if I accidentally kidnap his cute lover~?” She asked before looking on a hydro ball emitting your image with him.  “Huh..? So this is his lover huh? How interesting~”

“Seems like he found himself a great match.” The man said. “Ah, I need entertainment~ I'm gonna try and talk to the girl.” The woman giggled, before leaving the room. “Ah~ I miss you my dear Haitham.” She said before letting out a chuckle thinking of his reaction when he'll get the said surprise.

“I should give him a gift.” She said before happily going to a shop, Happily humming a song. Plotting how she can kidnap a certain (H/C) Sage, “Oh?” She said seeing a familiar woman nearby. She saw her talking towards a merchant which made her smirk. “Speak of the devil~”

She smiles as she took a step closer towards the woman who was happily shopping alone. When she was done, She followed her and purposely bumped to her. “Ah, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” You said in panic as you saw the woman in the ground.

“Does it hurt? I know a hospital nearby I can take you there—” The woman smirked as she tapped your shoulders making you fall asleep on her arms, “What a caring little dove you are~” The woman said.

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