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When you decided to marry Alhaitham you knew you needed to prepare for a life with this man, A man with a blunt personality. Arguments are common between you and him even before marriage, But sometimes you two argue for the stupidest reasons.

Alhaitham had just gotten on the shower and plopped himself on your shared bed with you changing into your nightwear. You glanced at your reflection in the mirror, Truth be told you felt inferior these days.

Alhaitham is currently reading a book with his glasses, You find it quite attractive. You combed your hair before letting out a sigh. He didn't seem to hear it. “Alhaitham.” You called out for your husband. He glanced at you with his grey eyes confused.

“Yes, dove?” He often calls you these nicknames just makes your stomach fill with all kinds of butterflies. “Don't you think I look different?” You said as you pinched your cheeks in the mirror. He sighed putting the book on the bedside table coming towards you. You expected him to atleast tell you some comforting words. Instead you ran out of patience after what you heard next.

“Well If I'm being honest yes you do look different than usual you look tir—” You covered his face with your hand, Your face displaying a poker face as water splashed on his face. Of course this is Alhaitham we're talking about, He's dense and oblivous what were you expecting.

You knew he was just answering your question but somehow it made you more annoyed than comforted you, You grabbed his arms and threw him out of your shared bedroom. His eyes widening head tilting as he was confused on what he had done wrong?

He can never understand you sometimes. Well he had no choice but to sleep on the sofa tonight. Sighing he closed his eyes, Still wondering what he did wrong to upset you?

“Are you okay?” Faruzan asked you. “You look pale, What happened to you?” You gave her a glare, She raised a brow at you. “I feel annoyed, Alhaitham made me cry and want to pull my hair out yesterday night why did I marry such oblivious man! Not to mention I feel very annoyed when I woke up I threw up whatever I ate yesterday nigh—” Faruzan and a just came in — shocked Kaveh stopped and looked at you.

“Would you repeat what you said?” Faruzan asked, Trying to process what you had just said. “I feel annoyed and Alhaitham made me cry..?” You asked. Faruzan shook her head. “No, the other one.” You thought, “Why did I marry such oblivious man?” Faruzan hands went through her face, “No! The other one—”

“I threw up whatever I ate yester...day..”

Silence. Even Kaveh was in a state of shock he passed out, With Tighnari shaking him. Faruzan gripped your shoulder looking at you seriously. “Y/N, Are you late?”

There's many types of tardiness but what Faruzan meant was definitely something else that eventually made you pale from just the thought of it.

You saw the piece of paper with two lines indicating that you were pregnant. You felt your soul left your body, You did not know how to break the news to your husband even more so that you two argued. “Congratulations, Y/N!” They said. The doctor then proceeded to tell you the symptoms about your condition without your mind paying attention you were too busy planning How to break the news to your oblivious husband.

Back at home, You felt defeated as you came in the house not knowing what to do. Alhaitham had also just came back home though, you avoided him because you didn't know how to face him. Your friends had told you some advice to help you bring the news to him but It all seems useless as you stood infront of him, Dumbfounded.

You were too preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn't notice your cup slid out of your grasp, and it broke. “What's wrong with you?” He asked as he picked up the broken glasses, It seems like the mood swings kicked in. You knew he just asked what was wrong with you but you couldn't take it. You got emotional. “I don't fucking know! Leave me alone.” You said leaving him to clean up for the mess you did.

Of course you felt bad, You didn't want to shout at him but the mood swings made it all worse. When you came back you saw Alhaitham reading at the sofa. Upon seeing you he stands up and grabs your arms. “This is getting out of hand, What's wrong with you?” You started to tear up. “I don't know! It's—” You gritted your teeth enough for it to bleed. Alhaitham tried to understand you since he asked his friends for some advice but he really just couldn't understand you at all.

“Why are you crying and overreacting over thi—” He stopped himself as he saw you looking at him, You punch him as you cried. “It's your fault! It's all your fault!” Now he looked at you in confusion. “What do you even mean?”

“The baby is the reason why I'm acting like this.”







Alhaitham and you both stared at each other, No words coming out. You two just stared at each other for a while, Before the man opened his mouth repeating what you just said. “A baby..?” Suddenly his eyes went down to your stomach.

“Alhaitham!” You exclaimed, Your husband— Alhaitham, Passed out as he heard the word Baby.

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