Where in the world am i?

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Ben Tennyson aka user of the omnitrix and then newly made ultimatrix fights off he's arch enemy Vilgax, who yet again is trying to conquer Earth, Again but thanks to bens Ultimatrix having special powers and aliens Vilgax stands no chance, except he has one plan left

Wow Vilgax i must of beaten your head pretty hard if you are running away from me Cannonbolt said rolling after vilgax who currently was running 

You are a fool Tennyson, i suggest if you want to fight for another day then you stop what you are doing! Vilgax warned ben of what he was about to do

So you're chicken? Cannonbolt said

You asked for it boy! Vilgax yelled as he ran into the main deck and shuts the door

Oh no the door is  shut what will i ever do.... ben sarcastically said slapping the ultimatrix symbol 

Bens body flashes a green light and his body changed to a giant red alien with four arms 

FOUR ARMS! Ben yelled the name

Ben punches the door as hard as he can until it burst off the hinges 

Wow Gax you really need to get a better door system it only took me four punches Four arms snickers after making the joke

Vilgax brings out his sword and starts to run after ben 

Vilgax swings his sword at Four arms 

Four arms dodges the attacks and punches vilgax in the stomach 

Vilgax uppercut's four arms and makes him land on his back 

Vilgax walks over to four arms and smiles

Any last words boy? Vilgax says bringing the sword over his head

I have one four arms said

What is it? Vilgax said 

Four arms slaps the ultimatrix symbol and transformers into a different alien with blue crystals show all around this 

DIAMONDHEAD! Diamondhead yelled transforming 

The flash knocks Vilgax back off of Diamondhead

Diamondhead starts the throwing crystals at Vilgax who blocks them with his gauntlet 

Ben stops shooting and punches his hand into the ground which then causes a chain reaction as smaller diamonds formed into bigger diamonds until it hit Vilgax 

Vilgax gets knocked off his feat and lands not to far from where he was hit

Vilgax slowly tries to get up but Diamondhead instead throws more crystals and the enemy

ENOUGH! vilgax yells

Jeez must of struck a nerve Diamondhead said 

I am done playing Tennyson! Vilgax said

Aww you were going easy on me Diamondhead said

Vilgax brings out a gun

Oh thats new, Vilgax and a gun that does not go well together Diamondhead said

Enough talk Tennyson this is why i brought you here Vilgax smiled

Okay two things, One that smile is creepy and two you do realise im made of diamonds right? They will just bounce right off me Diamondhead said while holding his two fingers out 

Tennyson this is much more then you could ever know, this is the dimension ray Vilgax said

So let me guess your bringing another army to here cause your too lazy to make a new one, or you're just bringing a evil ben to fight me Diamondhead said

You are wrong Tennyson say good bye to you world! Vilgax said

Diamondheads eyes widen as Vilgax shoots at ben 

Before Diamondhead could react the blast hits him and sends him somewhere else

Vilgax smiles at what he has accomplished before the two other alien force squad came

Wheres ben? Gwen asked looking at her boyfriend 

I dunno, maybe he got lost? Kevin said shrugging

Fools i have gotten rid of your ben Tennyson he is no longer in this dimension Vilgax said 

Gwen and Kevins eyes widen 

YOU. DID. WHAT?! Gwen said glowing purple 

And your dead Kevin said with slight worry in his voice and his girlfriends new form

Vilgax continued laughing like a mad man

That was until Gwen punched Vilgax aross the room and into a wall

Vilgax struggles to get up after the blow

Gwen lands another punch on him, then another, and another

That was until kevin grabbed her punch 

GWEN STOP, HES DOWN, ITS OVER! Kevin yelled in a new form he absorbed its over

Gwen looked at Kevin angry then the anger left her she looked over at the unconscious Vilgax and starts to transform back

Kevin im so so sorry she said crying and hugging her boyfriend 

Its okay, its okay im here, im here Kevin said hugging her

Its just that Bens.... Gwen said

Hes not gone, but he's not here remember? Kevin said

Gwen looked at Kevin

He sent him to another dimension he isnt dead, but we need to find him Kevin said

Gwen nodded 

Lets bring him to the other plumber base and see what we can get out of him Kevin said

Gwen made a construct and held Vilgax on it

I hope bens alright Gwen said

Who knows what hell Hole he is in Kevin said worried for his bestfriend 

Meanwhile with ben

Ben wakes up in a dark alley way and looks around his surroundings 

Argh how did i get here? Ben said

Ben then remembered 

VILGAX WHERE ARE YOU! Ben yelled to no response 

Ben confused walks out the alley and sees a city that he has never been in before he looks around and sees a sign

Metropolis coffee? Ben said

He continued to look around and was more confused by the second

WHERE AM I?!! Ben yelled 

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