The captured Justice league

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Ben now in his civilian clothes walks around the city he is in, to his surprise the large city was quiet too quiet for a city this big to not have a single soul in sight 

Ben continued to walk around when he saw a giant building with a golden globe on the top to far for ben to read

Thats a safety hazard ben thought to himself

As ben continued to walk he was met with a crowed of voice coming from the block ahead

With the amount of people ben was surprised that he didnt hear them at first

Ben runs to the people to see what all the commotion is, when Ben gets there he is meet with multiple people standing on the stage they looked offical, Their suits contained a green and purple mixture with what looks like a recycling symbol with yellow and silver helmets 

The person on the stage was bald a wore a black tux with a white shirt underneath 

Politicians and they clothes Ben mumbled

Hello people of metropolis it is i your president Lex Luthor! The man yelled through the mic 

More like baldy Ben whispered to himself 

As you are aware that their is a current alien invasion on the way it is my duty to get you people to safety Lex said through the mic

Now if yo- Luthor cuts off when ben raises his hand

Yes you in the green Lex said

Im sorry to interrupt but what alien invasion? Ben asked

Lex looked at ben like he was a mad man

Didnt you watch the news? Lex asked

Ben thought what his answer should be

Come on Tennyson think of something Ben mentally yelled

Im not from around here Ben said 

Very smooth Tennyson very smooth ben mentally facepalmed 

Hmm very well Lex said

The alien invasion is coming and my men will take you to the underground bunkers located outside the city if you would follow them im sure that you will have a spot Lex said

Wait so your saying that some of us wont be allowed in? A random man yelled 

Unfortunately, there will not be enough room for you all

Ben raised his hand again 

Lex sighed 

Yes? Lex asked

Dont you have any protection like an alien defence system? Ben asked 

Unfortunately no Lex said

 So we cant do anything? Ben asked

We would have sent our heros but they were captured not too long after Lex said

Alright Ben said thinking to himself again 

Yep definitely confirms that im in a new dimension looks like vilgax's weapon worked after all

Now if you would be so kind and follow my men to the bunkers that will be all THANK YOU! Lex yelled through the mic

The men raised their hands and signaling the people to follow 

Just then the people started moving with the Lex corp people who were taking them to their bunkers they moved around ben and dared not to touch him

Ben stood there thinking still until someone touched his shoulder

Hey dude you alright? The kid asked

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