The weekend

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Bro i have been waiting for this day for ages Wally said walking in his beach clothes

You said it Ben said wearing his swimmer boxers 

Race ya! Tim yelled wearing his sunnies and red simmer pants 

Your gonna lose  T  man! Wally ran past Tim

Kara used her super speed to catch up with Wally

Unless i beat you first! Kara smiled running past him

Ugh no fair! Wally ran faster

Kids Jason rolled his eyes 

Im surprised you came Dick said

Its a beach day when am i going to pass up the opportunity? Jason said

This isnt like you? Are you Jason? Dick smirked 

Shut up Jason rolled his eyes again 

Just then they got to the water and were instantly splashed by Wally

Gotta be faster then that! Wally said 

You gotta be kidding me wally! Dick yelled chasing him


Hey ben wanna scare Wally? Tim smirked

What do you have in mind? Ben smirked back

You have any water aliens? Tim asked

I have afew Ben said

Get your scariest one Tim grinned

I gotcha Ben said going under the water and transforming 

Catch me if ya can Grayson! Wally yelled running 

Just then wally felt something move by his legs surprised 

He looked and saw nothing the a loud splash was heard from behind him

Uh dick you doing this? Wally asked

Uh no Dick said confused

Just then a sea monster appeared in front of them

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! wally screamed falling on his butt

Sea... sea.... Sea MONSTER! Wally yelled

Just then He heard laughing coming from the monster

Wally looked and saw it had the ultimatrix symbol on its left shoulder 

BEN WHAT THE HECK! Wally yelled

You should of seen your face! Ripjaws laughed transforming back

Ben you GAH! Wally chased ben who continued to laugh

Pffth Hahah! They laughed 

What? Wally said

Your scream its hilarious they laughed 

Damn it ben Wally stormed off

Wally wait im sorry! Ben yelled

Dick put his hand on his shoulder

Just let him cool off dude Dick said

Ben got out of the water and got dried he then sat at the sand

Hey ben Barbara said

Oh hey Barbara Ben said

Whats going on? She asked standing 

Nothing much just scared Wally Ben said

Really? Barbara said

Yeah he kinda got mad Ben said

I can believe that Barbara said

Barbara there you are! A man yelled

Oh sorry dad Barbara said

Jeez you kids run fast these days Gordon said

Who it this? Gordon asked

Dad this is ben my friend Barbara said

Oh so this is the Ben Tennyson you keep tal- Gordon was cut off by Barbara 

Dad dont we have that thing we have to do? Barbara said

What thing? Jim asked

You know police work Barbara said

Oh right thanks for reminding me dear come on Jim said

Later Barbara Ben said

Bye ben Barbara said

They walked off

So that your boyfriend? Jim teased

WHAT! I mean no were are friends that met only a week ago Barbara blushed in embarrassment 

Uh huh thats what they all say dear Jim said 

What are you getting at? Barbara asked

You'll see Jim smiled 

Ben stayed sitting when he felt something cold on his back

Ben shivered 

Hey Ben Wally said holding some snow

Where did you- ben gets cut off

Super speed remember? Wally said

Ben face palmed 

Forgot about that ben smiled

Just then wally threw a snowball at ben

Ben got hit in the arm

Come on ben show me what ya got Wally said

Your on west! Ben yelled chasing wally

See i told him he needed to cool off Dick said

Yeah when you said that i didnt think he literally would cool himself off Jason said

Sometimes he can be a surprise brother Dick smirked 

Dont call me that Jason said

Whats wrong brother Dick smirked

Oh thats it the gloves are off Jason said

What gloves? Dick laughed

Get back here you! Jason yelled

Just then they got a message 

Calling all justice league members the elite have started to return all remaining members come to the watch tower immediately Batman said

Were on it! Ben said

Alright team you heard the man lets go! Dick said running off

The others following

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