Ben returns to school

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WHAT! Ben yelled

Its only for a few weeks Ben John said

Ughhhh Ben sighed sliding down his chair

But metropolis has been evacuated why would we go to school? Kara asked in confusion 

Batman has offered me a chance to send you both to Gotham school and I accepted John said

Why there is a oncoming war on the way and we need to be ready Ben said standing up

I know this isnt as fun but your still growing and even if your from another dimension you need education John said putting a hand on Bens shoulder

Your right, im sorry i got angry Ben sighed

It is quiet alright, although Batmans butler is picking you up tomorrow so be on your best behaviour 

We will Kara said

Alright off to bed you two John said turning the light off

Night Uncle john Kara said

Night John Ben said 

Night you both John said 

Ben went into his room and got a notification from Tim

"Hey ben, heard your coming to school tomorrow with us you excited?" Tims message read 

"Not necessarily but it will be worth while i guess" ben replied to Tims message 

"Alright well try and sleep on it, even with an oncoming war we are still kids at the end of the day" Tim said

"Night bro" ben sent

"Night" Tim replied 

Ben laid on his bed sighing

Hope you guys are doing well back home i miss you guys Ben said looking at the wall thinking about his family, his bestfriend, an angry galavn heck he was even missing cash and JT before drifting off in his sleep

Meanwhile with Kara

Can you believe Bruce is sending us to school? Kara said on the phone

I know right, he treats us like kids still Barbara said over the phone

Well we are kids still Kara said

Yeah, so whats up im assuming your not calling me just to catch up Barbara said

Yeah, its Ben im worried about him Kara said

Yeah me to he has dealt alot in the past and now he wakes up here im not assuming this is too great for him Barbara said

Yeah, we should get some sleep see you tomorrow kara said

You too Barbara said hanging up

You failed us Ben Gwen said

No i tried to stop Vilgax! Ben yelled

You couldnt even stop a blast! Kevin yelled

No i did try but i didn't react fast enough! Ben yelled

Im ashamed we are related Gwen said

Im ashamed we are friends Kevin said

No, please dont say that! Ben said tears coming out

You are not worthy of being a plumber Max said

Not you to max Ben said crying

You should of found that watch Max said

No i can prove you wrong, i have said lives multiple times Ben cried 

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