Batgirl, kidflash and ben

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The coast clear? Ben asked

Yeah its clear batgirl said motioning them to follow

Hey ben i need to ask you something Kidflash said

Yeah whats up? Ben asked

Do you think babs likes me? Kid flash asked

Why are you asking me? Ben responded 

No reason just wanting to know kid flash said 

Wally im your friend and all but im just going to say it, why do you think Barbara likes you? Ben asked

I dont know, we went on a mission together and thats when i felt it Kid flash said

What happens if she doesnt like you? Ben asked

I dont know Kid flash said

Well why dont you go ask her? Ben asked

What? Kid flash said surprised to ben response 

Ask her out maybe she will agree on it Ben said

How would you know? Kid flash said

Kinda did it myself with Julie back in the day Ben said smiling 

You still miss her dont you? Kid flash asked

Yeah she was the one ben said

Do you still mourn? Kid flashed asked

Yeah but the way i make sure it doesnt control me is i think of the times we spent together Ben said

They stopped talking and kept moving 

Kid flash walked up to batgirl

Hey babs i need to ask you something kid flash asked

Yeah whats up wally? Batgirl responded not in the mood as she walked forward 

There's something i kinda need to ask you Wally said rubbing his hair nervously 

Batgirl looked at wally 

What? She asked annoyed as she stopped 

I was hoping when this was all over maybe we could grab i dont know a coffee? Kidflash said 

Are you asking me out? Batgirl questioned

Yes? Kid flash said unconvinced 

Wally i would love too but i kinda have my eyes on someone , im sorry batgirl said looking down

Its.... Its fine Kid flash said disappointed 

But we can still grab the coffee if you like? Batgirl asked

Nah you dont have to Kid flash said

Batgirl nodded and kept moving

Ben grabbed the kid flashes sad shoulder 

Kid flash looked over

Hey dont be upset she isnt the one for you, but you will find the lucky girl soon trust me, any girl would be lucky to have to, im lucky to have you as a friend Ben said smiling 

Kid flash smiled 

You know we're kinda like brothers Kid flash said

How so? Ben asked

Were there for each other we fight and we share a pretty good friendship we even act like brothers Kid flash said

Ben laughed

So we are Ben said 

Come on lets move Kid flash said 

The trio walked down the hall and came upon a few more cells 

Wally? Barbara? Is that you? Superboy asked

Conner! They yelled

Superboy noticed ben

Whos the kid? Superboy said

No time ben do it Kid flash said

Ben nodded and transformed 

Conner was surprised at ben

NRG! Nrg yelled

Woah a shape shifter? Superboy asked

Not necessarily i have the ability to transform into different aliens but have a certain time limit NRG explained

I got that Superboy said nodding 

So what can this one do? Batgirl asked

This NRG said blasting the gates with hot radiation causing it to melt

Cool Kid flash said

Great think you can help the others? Superboy asked looking at the others

I will see what i can do NRG said walking to the gates and blasting them 

What felt like hours they eventually freed most of the justice league the members contain of 

Superboy, Aqualad, Shazam, starfire, beastboy, raven and Artemis 

Thank you dearest shapeshift starfire said 

It is no problem ben said 

So this kid is new anything we should know? Aqualad said inspecting ben

Later for now we need to move Batgirl said

Right i have been wanting to use my powers again Beastboy said transforming into a cheetah 

Awesome Ben said

Ben noticed billy 

Hey whos the kid? Ben asked

I could ask the same thing Billy said

So whats your powers? Ben asked

Billy smirked 

SHAZAM! billy yelled being covered in lightning revealing captain marvel 

Woah! Ben said even more excited 

Cool right? Shazam asked

Yeah! Ben said 

Alright if we are done here we got to meet up with the others batgirl said

On it they said running off 

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