The final chapter

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Oh egg roles Kevin said

Move! Ben pushed kevin out of the way as Darksieds omega beam blasted out his eyes 

They followed ben 

Uh whats happening? Ben asked as he ran

They are locked onto you! Batman yelled

Ben kept running 

What do i do!? Ben yelled 

Just keep running! Flash yelled

Great advice, totally wasnt doing that before! Ben yelled as he ducked under the cannon causing it to explode 

Foolish mortals, you will not deny Darksied Darksied said 

We will see about that! Redhood said

Justice legaue members move out! Batman yelled 

They charged darksied who only stood

Flash and kid flash were first up at darksied 

They quickly punched him

Darksied stood unfazed 

They stopped running

Uh that didnt work Flash said

Plan b! Kid flash yelled running towards darksied 

Wally wait! Flash yelled

Darksied slapped kid flash into the wall

Gah! Kid flashed groaned as he fell

Why does he never listen? Flash groaned as he ran towards him

Batman threw his batarangs at him causing them to explode

Darksied grabbed batmans throat and tossed him

Batman landed and fell to the floor struggling to get up

Green arrow slid shot his arrows at darksied which did nothing

He stopped at darksieds knees

He sighed

Go figure the guy with the arrows has no chance Green arrow said as Darksied grabbed his foot and slamming him to the ground 

Wonder Woman punched darksied 

Darksied eyes lit up and blasted the amazon warrior in the face

Dianna! Batman yelled out as she fell to the floor unconscious 

I see the foolish mortal cares for the warrior Darksied said

Batman got up and charged Darksied

Darksied shot his omega beams at batman hitting him in the chest

Gah! batman groaned

Bruce! Redhood, robin, Nightwing, Batgirl and ben yelled out

Nightwing ran up to him and slammed his batons at him

Robin smacked him with his staff

Redhood shot him with his pistols

Batgirl tried to grapple him to the ground

Darkised grabbed robins head tossing him into nightwing, and grabbed redhood and slammed his head to the ground, he shot his omega beams at batgirl

She braced 

A green and purple wall protected her

She looked up and saw gwen and the green lanterns shielding her

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