A small but a memorable party

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The team got to work on the batcave for a small party, why may you ask? Well it may be their last battle they might as well have one good memory for the road cause tomorrow, tomorrow was war

Kid flash and Flash ran throughout the streets grabbing snacks, drinks and other stuff needed 

The bat fam were moving anything and locking all the stuff that was on bruces no go 

The teen titans were putting up decorations 

And the rest were setting up all the stuff they needed for the party

And the justice league?

They were there too, excluding bruce he was at the watch tower 

Kevin had put the final table down when the two speedsters came back

We got the snacks! They yelled

Finally im starving! Beast boy said running to the snack table 

The party was heading strong as nightwing had started to spin the records on the dj booth 

Every member was partying like no tomorrow excluding batman

Batman was keeping an eye on the captive but also for darksied it wasnt too long until he would see the elite ships and he would wait and make the call when the time comes

Batman then got a call from flash

What? Batman asked annoyed 

Dude you sure you dont want to come this party? its a blast! Flash said raising his arms 

Im sure, someone has to keep an eye out Batman said looking into space

Flash thought and spoke again

Fine dont do it for me then do it for Dianna Flash said smirking 

Batmans eyes widen 

What did you say? Batman asked angry 

Oh i said you should come to the party for diannas sake, you guys dont hang out as much anymore Flash said

Because we are comrades Batman said

Just do it bats Flash said 

Batman sighed 

Give me 5 batman said

Wait your actually coming? Flash asked 

Hang up or im not coming Batman said looking at Flash 

Flash nodded and ended the call

Batman sighed but got another call from someone 

Batman answered

It was ben or so he thought 

Hey batman ben said not showing him self as his videocall camera was covered

Ben why is your camera blocked up? Batman asked 

No reason i was wanting to know if you were going to the party? Ben said

Im heading over now why? Batman asked

No reason just wanted to know Ben said as he hanged up the call

Strange Batman said as he walked to the transporter 

Recognised batman 019 

Batman disappeared and appeared in the batcave where the party was on full blast

Bruce walked around seeing all the justice league members partying 

He even saw alfred there, he looked like he was having a great time

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