Robin Nightwing and supergirl

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Alright thats the last of them Robin said throwing the last guard on the floor

Gah who wires this like whatever this is?! Nightwing yelled

Zergtech did a guard said raising his head

Of course it was him nightwing said banging his head on the door

Dude just pull the red one the guard said

Why are you helping us? Nightwing asked

I dont know im bored the guard said

Right nigthwing said unconvinced pulling the red wire causing the door to open

Alright whats the gig? Robin asked

No seriously im bored just go gives me a reason to eat He said getting up

Wait your not going to stop us? Robin asked

Nah cant be bothered he said walking off 

Wow hes bad at his job robin said

I know right? The guard laughed 

They looked at each other and shrugged running off

The heroes came into contact with the final heroes that were unsurprisingly behind jail cells 

Dudes you came finally firestorm said

Why wouldnt we? Robin asked

Bro we have been waiting for.... Firestorm stopped 

Like 5 days catwoman said

5 days firestorm said

Catwoman what are you doing here? Nightwing asked

Cat got bored so I decided to go good catwoman said

Uh huh nightwing said confused 

Hey it could be weirda harley said

Okay how more of you villains are in here? Nightwing asked

You want the list i got the list joker said holding the list laughing 

You too? Nightwing asked 

What can i say? Joker laughed 

Great nightwing sighed 

Should we save them? Robin asked

I mean their villains nightwing said

But we could use the help supergirl said

Are you serious these guys are deranged maniacs Nightwing said

So whats we talking about? Joker asked beside them

Gah! They yelled

What is there something on my face? Joker asked feeling it

How did you.? Nightwing asked

I have my ways joker laughed

I shouldnt of asked Nightwing sighed

nightwing got a call

Hey bats Nightwing said to the batman hologram 

Nightwing status Batman said

Well we found some heros and villains nightwing said

Such as? Batman asked

Hey batsy!! Joker waved

Joker batman said monotone 

Long story short but we might need their help Nightwing said

Nightwing are you sure? Batman asked

They might be of some use to us Nightwing said

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