Face off

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Ultimate swampfire landed the punch on vilgax while vilgaxes sword smashed into his arm

Swampfire recoiled in pain looking at the cut seeing it wasnt healing

Shit thats right ultimate swampfire doesnt have a healing factor Swampfire said

Whats the matter Tennyson has this world made you weak? Vilgax taunt swinging his sword on him

Ultimate swampfire dodged them carefully not to be hit 

Just then batarangs hit vilgax exploding 

Vilgax looked at batman 

who dares!? Vilgax yelled

I do! Batman yelled punching vilgax 

Vilgax stood unfazed and grabbed batman tossing him

Wonderwoman quickly grabbed him

Remember when we did this one that one mission like this? Wonderwoman asked landing 

Not the time Dianna batman said getting off her 

Flash and kid flash ran up to vilgax and punched him

Vilgax yawned and grabbed wally by the throat 

Pathetic Vilgax said slamming him to the ground knocking flash off balance 

Wally! Ultimate swampfire yelled yelled

Ultimate swampfire  charged vilgax and tackled him to the ground

Ultimate swampfire kept punching him

Vilgax kicked ultimate swampfire off him and got up only to be getting shot with bullets and arrows

He looked and saw redhood, green arrow, speedy and Artemis shooting him

Vligax walked towards them while being shot

Green arrow quickly got a stick bomb arrow and shot it at him

It trapped vilgax but he broke out walking towards them

Oh shit Redhood said as vilgax swung his sword at them

they ducked

Nighting and robin used their staffs and smacked him

Vilgax backhanded them

Batgirl tried to punch him but she was grabbed by the throat 

She tried to get out but was no use

Ultimate swampfire fired a fire ball at him releasing batgirl

Ben rushed to her as a human again

Barbara! Ben yelled frantic 

Barbara groaned 

He looked at batman

He checked her pulse

She will be fine Batman said

Wonderwoman went to punch vilgax with shazam but vilgax stood unfazed again

He knocked them back

How did you even stop this guy?! Kid flash asked

Well my previous aliens did some damage Ben said

Gwen threw disks at vilgax while kevin made a blade steel came down with his hammer

Vilgax grabbed his sword destroying the disks blocking steel and grabbing kevin, whom he threw  at gwen

Well we need to do something, supermans up there fighting still and karas in no shape, plus the other heroes are fighting off the elite and parademons Flash said

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