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Damn it these books are heavy Ben said carrying his bag to the lockers 

You get use to it Tim said closing his locker 

Ben puts down his bag

Yeah maybe Ben said moving his arm to get the feeling in it again 

Hey Tim a man said

Ben turned to see the man

He looked like a guy who would work in the air force with brown hair

Hey Mr jordan Tim said

Oh you must be the new kid ben Mr jordan said

I am... Ben said his eyes look at the familiar ring

Where did you get that ring? Ben asked

Mr Jordan looked at his hand and put it in his pocket 

I got it at a retail store Mr Jordan lied

Really cause that ring looks alot like the ones the gree- Ben was cut off by Tim

Tim took ben to an empty hall Mr Jordan not far behind

What? Ben asked confused 

Look Ben this is Hal jordan he is a green lantern and a former member of the justice league Tim said

Wait how do you know what our rings look like? Hal asked

I work with the justice league Ben said

What powers do you have or are you like Batman? Hal asked

Ben showed him the Ultimatrix 

What is that? Hal asked

This is the ultimatrix it can turn me over a thousand aliens Ben said

Odd i never seen this before what sector are you from? Hal asked

He isnt from this universe Tim said

A hero from another dimension? Hal said

Ding ding ding Ben said 

Hmm interesting Hal said

Well we need to head to lunch Mr Jordan Tim said

Alright have fun you two Hal said walking off

Ben and Tim walked off into the cafeteria where they saw Kara and Barbara talking with four boys standing next to them 

Ahem Ben said making the boys look up

You mind moving? Ben said 

Why would we move? One boy asked

Cause they are our friends Ben said

Likely why would the popular people like you two? The second kid said

Hey if you dont mind moving for our friends would ya? Barbara said

They blushed 

Y.. Yes  ma'am they said moving 

Ben and Tim sat at the opposite side to them

Whats up with them? Tim asked

Ugh love bird Barbara said rolling her eyes

They have been following us for ages Kara said her face on the table 

Yeah and get this they try to talk to us and date us bleugh Barbara said sticking her tough out 

Well they cant do much now since were here Ben said eating

Bens eyes widen 

Holy crap this is good! Ben said eating it

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