Return of the justice league part 1

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Ben ran through the halls after been detected by the three elite aliens, he took out the guards but unfortunately the commander escaped like a coward, as Ben was dashing through the halls looking for section D he heard some of the elite talking

Can you believe that their putting us on high alert just cause of some stupid fire alien? The elite guard said

I know like how did they put zergtech in the commander role if he runs away like a coward all the time its stupid The other elite guard said

Yeah doesnt he know were fire proof? I mean for God sakes WE LIVE ON APOCALYPSE! The first elite guard said

Note yourself dont use swampfire or heatblast ben whispered 

Ben started hearing marching footsteps coming to his area

Ben looked around and saw no escape 

He then looked at the ultimatrix 

Ben sighed as he activated the ultimatrix 

Hey you stop there! One of the marching elite said 

How did a human get up here? The others said

Seize him hes only a pathetic human! The general said

I may be human but i have one secret up my sleeve ITS HERO TIME! Ben yelled slamming the ultimatrix core

Bens body begins to morph into a bigger alien he liked to call

HUMUNGOSAUR! ben yelled

What the name of apocalypses is that?! The elite general yelled

Humungosaur is the name and your worst fear! Humugosaur said

Meanwhile with the young heros

Great job dick Redhood said sitting in his cell

What, what did i do this time? Nightwing asked 

You got us captured again Redhood sighed

How so? Nightwing responded with curiosity 

You ran in without a plan redhood sighed

Uh no that was Wally Nightwing said

Hey hey hey lets not get hasty now Kidflash said

Tim, Barbara got anything? Nightwing asked

No they both responded 

Kara? Nightwing said

Do i even have to say anything? Im locked in a red sun room, i dont have my powers until i can see the sun, or atleast get out of this stupid cell Supergirl said 

Do you think the others will save us? Kidflash asked

Wally they were taken away ages ago remember we were whats left Redhood said

Yeah thats right kidflash said

Well we will find away out of here im sure of it Nightwing said

And how do you think thats going to work, some of us dont even have powers, while those with powers cant do a single thing cause of their weaknesses 

Well the red sun isnt a weakness more or less just prevents my powers im just a normal human like you guys Supergirl said

Most of us are trapped with our weakness Redhood shook his head in annoyance 

Just then they heard some crashing outside

What the hell is going on out there!? Redhood yelled

Some sort of commotion Nightwing said

Wow you are the next worlds greatest detective redhood rolled his head to show his eye rolling under the mask

Guys can you stop fighting for a moment Robin asked

Yeah hearing you both arguing sounds like too idiots fighting over something idiotic Batgirl said

Alright fine Redhood sighed

Just then the fighting stopped

Hey it just stopped Kidflash said

That sometimes isnt a good sign Wally Nightwing said

Yeah you would think after all our years fighting we would get it Dick Redhood said

Just then the door busted open and emerged a giant dinosaur 

Holy crap what is that!? Kid flash yelled

Thats a new one Robin said

The dinosaur looked around at all of us

Are you guys apart of the justice league? He asked

Bens prospective 

After fighting with those elite guards i decided to breakdown the door since i cant understand their language 

When i broke the door i saw abunch of TEENAGERS? Humugosaur thought to himself 

Holy crap what is that?! The yellow kid asked

Ben looked at each one of them and stopped

Are you the justice league? Humugosaur asked

Well we sort of are, but we have our own team the one with black and blue said

Yeah a stupid name to be honest the one with the red mask and leather jacket said 

Is there anyway i can get you out? Humugosaur asked

Not that we know of the one who dressed like a bat said

Hmm i might have an idea Humungosaur said hitting the core 

Bens body flashed a green light colour and replaced humongosaur with

UPGRADE! the galvanic megamorp yelled

Wait, where did the big guy go? The yellow kid asked

Hes still here but just not out upgrade said

That makes... no sense whatsoever the kid said

Look do you want my help or not? Upgrade said getting annoyed 

Yes please that would be great full the girl in a white t-shirt and blue skirt said with a nice smile

Upgrade went towards the girl in the white and touched the cell morphing into it

Woah thats so cool! The kid in the yellow said

Upgrade was looking through the controls and destroyed all the ones he need

Just then the cell opened up

Thank you the girl said with a smile

Its no problem upgrade said his eye turning into a somewhat of a smile 

Upgrade went to all the other cells and freed them while supergirl was going through some of the systems main frames to find the an exit

Thank you what was it upgrade? The blue and black kid said

Yep although i never got your name

Introduce our selves later right now we need to free the others does anyone know where they were taken? He asked

I know upgrade said


Section B 430 miles from our location upgrade said

Alright team lets go save the justice league the black and blue kid said

They run out of the room they were locked in and ran down the hall to where the justice league was located 

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