Something in the way

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Alright if we our coordination are correct we should just be arriving at darksieds home planet Green arrow said

Oh great our first stealth mission yeah redhood said sarcastically 

They rolled their eyes

Alright bruce lets see if you can prove me wrong again about you tech Green arrow said 

Alrignt everyone understand the plan? Green arrow asked

They nodded 

Alright here goes nothing Green arrow said

He activated the cloaking mechanism which works as the pass by the guard towers

Once again bruce wanye has done the impossible green arrow said annoyed

Why is he annoyed about that? Ben asked

Well oliver over there is rich like bruce, but bruce is more successful, even though they are friends they have competitions to see whos the better hero without powers nightwing said

Ah Ben said

Great this is going to take forever Redhood said

Can you stop being down for once?! Nightwing said

He ignored him

Look its a simple mission in and out five minute mission Green arrow said

3 hours later 

Anything? Supergirl asked

Nothing Green arrow said still looking threw his enhanced binoculars 

Gahhhh weve been here for hours! Kid flash said laying on his back 

Shh! Green arrow hushed

You know what no if we are going to sit here and do nothing i might as well and just do your job for you kid flash said

I dont think thats the best idea wally ben said

Yeah easy for you to say you are playing games on you watch! Fid flash pointed put to ben who was playing Tetris

Ben covered the ultimatrix 

Thats besides the point we need to stay here and wait for the signal Ben said 

What signal? Kid flans said

Just then a ship was coming out

And that would be the signal wouldnt it? Kid flash said

Bingo! Green arrow said

Finally i have been waiting for some action kid flash said running until green arrow grabbed his suit

Uh not so fast kid Green arrow said

What? He asked

Were not infiltrating the ship were going inside the factory Green arrow said

And just when i thought things couldnt get more boring Kid flash said as they walked around the dark halls

Oh come on and i thought he was the whinny one redhood pointed to tim

Hey! Robin yelled

Point taken Redhood said

They continued to walk around when ben heard a familiar voice

This ship will finally take our masters plan into action an elite said

Yes but what happens if we run into that fire alien again? Zergtech said

Oh shut up you coward we are fire proof remember? He said

Right yes zergtech said

Now shut up and listen the weapon he is making is from dark kryptonite a rare version of the substance of it with dark matter included into it he said

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