Redhood, Green arrow and Blue beetle

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The trio ran through the corridors to find the other half of the justice league unfortunately they ran into a problem

Great a locked door green arrow said annoyed

Just then Redhood got infront of them and smashed the keypad that was keeping them out

You know i could of just hacked it right? Blue beetle said 

No time Redhood said running through 

Whats up on him? Blue beetle asked

Darksieds plan is what and we need all the members of the justice league Green arrow said

Right Blue beetle said running with green arrow

The trio continued to run down the halls and into the cell block where it was heavily guarded by elite forces, there were many light towers moving about and the heros stuck inside their cells

Alright how do we do this? Redhood asked green arrow

Your asking me? Green arrow asked surprised

I give you one chance redhood sighed

What-? Green arrow said

Alright heres the plan jamie will sabotage the lights so we can pass through it safely, then arrow will find a keycard and take it, and i will take out any guard quickly and easily Redhood said

Sounds like a plan Blue beetle said

Yeah if it works it works Green arrow said

Alright but one thing jamie when you sabotage dont stay there for too long move and go to the next tower their going to look it that general direction redhood said

Blue beetle nodded

Alright on my signal we move redhood said

As the first light moved to the left they strike

Now! Redhood whisper yelled

They quickly made a move for it

Jamie head to the top of the tower you should cut the power without being detected Redhood said

Jamie nodded and accessed his wings and quietly but swiftly made it to the top 

Jamie then accessed a panel then used his powers to deactivate them

*beep beep beep* the scarab beeped

What do you mean this will not work? Jamie asked as his hand transformed a taser

*Beep beep beep* 

Look trust me Jamie said as he tased the lights short circuiting them all

Opps Jamie said

*beep beep beep* 

Oh dont you say you told me so 

*beep beep* 

Ugh Jamie sighed annoyed

Meanwhile on the ground

What the hell is he doing up there? Redhood asked

Just then all the lights went out

Damn it Jamie Redhood sighed

Great now we cant see anything Green arrow said annoyed 

Look we just need to take very slow and mot make any sound that will draw them to us

Jamie landed behind them

Whats up guys? Blue beetle asked nervously 

What did you do? Redhood sighed

I kinda blew the lights out blue beetle rubbed his arm 

Ugh whatever just follow me and dont get caught redhood said as he quickly moved

What happened to taking it slow? Green arrow asked

They moved and hid with the elite guard looking for them, so they got the lights back on and unfortunately they were visible 

Intruders! An elite guard yelled

Guess the jigs up Redhood said loading his pistols 

Green arrow got his bow out and aimed it at the guards that surrounded them

Blue beetle accessed his blasters 

The elite then came charging to them 

Redhood fired his guns and knocked afew back 

Green arrow didnt have to much luck as his arrows abilities didnt work to well

And blue beetle?

Well he kinda was having fun

Miss me! Blue beetle laughed as he fired a blast knocking a horde back

They did this for a few moments before they were knocked down by the elite

Crap im outta ammo! Redhood yelled

And im out of arrows! Green arrow yelled 

They were soon jumped on by the elite smothering them

Jamie kept fighting but was getting surrounded then eventually he was jumped on

They were getting buried by the amount of bodies on them until blue beetle got one last trick

Just then the elite start to jump alittle

Uh what was that? One asled

I dont... the other one was cut off

KNOW! he yelled as they flew across

Blue beetle was the cause and the reason his suit gave him an upgrade 

Woah this is new jamie said as he saw his body now bigger and muscular 

*beep beep beep* strength ability neat! Jamie said

The elite soon got up and charged Jamie

Jamie turned his head to the other two heroes

Go save them i will handle this! Jamie said

They nodded and ran

Alright you want a piece of me?! Blue beetle yelled as he began to fight them

Red hood and green arrow eventually got to the cells and found the heroes

I was getting worried you guys weren't coming cyborg said

We were we just needed time green arrow said

Well can you open this cage? Aquaman asked

Yeah sure just let me find the card Arrow said searching for it

Well? Cyborg asked

Redhood give me the card arrow said

Jason searched his pockets

We didnt grab a card did we? Arrow asked

Seems like it redhood said

Soon a card landed in front of them

They saw blue beetle in his normal amour 

Redhood picked up the card a freed the other heroes

The heroes consisted of

Cyborg, aquaman, speedy, and miss Martian 

Four heroes really? Arrow asked

Hey next time you get captured speedy said

I dont plan on doing so green arrow said

Enough fighting we must get a move on if we are to stop this war redhood said

War? Aquaman said

We will explain on the way there come on redhood said

They nodded

And one thing redhood added

Yeah? Cyborg said 

We have another hero and he may be the world's final chance so keep that in mind redhood said

Gotcha chief cyborg said

Alright move out! Redhood yelled as they ran out of the cell block 

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