Vilgax and albedo meet up with darksied

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Come on Albedo said smacking the ray gun

What is the matter? Vilgax asked watching albedo impatiently 

This blasted ray gun isnt working Albedo said looking at vilgax 

Did you even turn it on? Vilgax asked

Uh yes im a galvan one of the smartest beings in 16 known universes Albedo said now annoyed 

Vilgax snatched it off him 

Hey! Albedo yelled

Vilgax inspected it

Its a prototype Vilgax said surprised and annoyed 

No it isnt give it to me! Albedo said snatching it off him and inspecting it

Oh wait it is Albedo said now feeling stupid 

Vilgax growled 

It is fine, i can use my intellectual mind to fix this Albedo said holding the dimensions ray up

Vilgax snatched it off him and banged it on the desk


Oh of course the foolish way works Albedo said crossing his arms

Shut up and put in the coordinates Vilgax said throwing it to Albedo 

Stupid fools Albedo mumbled as he put in the coordinates from his ultimate ultimatrix 

He blasted the portal and opened it

Alright move Vilgax instructed 

Yeah can it Albedo said walking through it

As they walked through it they were met with a fiery sight 

What is this cursed dimensions you set Tennyson to? Albedo asked looking at the sight around

Do not ask me Vilgax asked as he saw some aliens on the ground unconscious 

What happened here? Albedo asked

There was clearly a fight here moron Vilgax said inspecting them

Just then the same aliens appeared holding weapons

Stand down perpetrators! An elite solider yelled

Vilgax got up and moved backwards towards albedo 

These idiots must believe we were the cause of this Albedo said

What makes you say that? Vilgax asked annoyed 

Oh no reason Albedo said transforming into diamondhead 

You know since you aliens look pathetic i will spare you the wrath of my ultimate forms Diamondhead said cracking his knuckles 

They went to attack but the elite stood holding their weapons

Hold! The elite guard yelled 

Diamondhead made a blade and went to strike them before he was knocked down by a laser

GAH! Diamondhead yelled in pain falling down

Vilgax looked up and saw a grey monster the same size as him on a pad levitating 

He went downwards and landed 

He got off the pad and stood there looking at vilgax annoyed 

Vilgax drew his sword and went to attack him

Darksied only dodged and grabbed his arm swinging him to the floor causing a crater to form 

He then stood on vilgaxes body

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