Your first assignment

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The teens eventually arrived at the watch tower and ran into the main room where the justice league members were sitting 

Good your here Batman said

Whats the problem bats? Kid flash said

The problem is, is that the elite are returning to Earth to claim it for its master Superman said

And who is this quote on quote master? Ben asked

A photo pops up with a giant humanoid monster with blue amour and grey skin his eyes red as blood and he has strong

He goes by the name darksied and is a threat to our universe itself green lantern said

Wait wait wait darksied? Ben said

Yeah you met him? Green lantern said

No i was just thinking that was an odd name Ben said

Anyways this threat has taken over most of the planetary systems around and is moving to Earth next Green lantern said

Why Earth? Ben asked

Because of them Flash pointed to superman and supergirl 

Why what did they do to them? Ben asked

Arch enemies of there home planet Krypton Batman said

And my enemy superman said 

Which is why we cant let them win Wonder woman said

Indeed but there is a problem with our current mission Martian man hunter said

And that is? Kid flash said

Darksied has been working on a new device but we unfortunately do not know of its purpose, hopefully we can stop him before he does whatever with the weapon he is planing Martian Man hunter said

So we did you need us for bruce? Nightwing asked

We need you to scout out on the home planet of darksied Apocalypse Batman said showing a picture of the planet

Yeesh and the galvans said they had an impressive planet Ben said

Galvans? Green lantern said

Never mind that but how do you plan we get there? Ben asked confused about the whole situation 

We have made a stealth ship to get into apocalypse's atmosphere so you can intercept what he is doing Flash said 

What about you guys? Robin asked

We will stay here and protect it from the elite Wonder woman said

But we need to be on guard as last time it didnt go too well Flash said

So you kids ready for your new assignment? Flash said

Uh we kinda dont know it seems abit dangerous even for us Ben said

What the legendary ben Tennyson cant handle a mission on another planet? Green lantern smirked

Really? Ben said

Fight later we need to focus on the plan Batman said

Right so whos in charge? Kid flash said

I think we know the answer Red hood said

Well as much up as im flattered to be leading this team- kid flash kid was stopped by Nightwing

I think we mean a more RESPONSIBLE hero Nightwing said looking at ben 

The others did the same

OHHHHH now that makes more sense now Kid flash said

Will anyone else be accompanying us? Super girl said

Yeah i will be a guy said wearing green suit and hood, he had a bow and arrows with blonde hair

Nice too see you Green arrow Nightwing said

Always a pleasure He said then looked at ben 

So this is the kid that can turn into aliens with the watch eh? Green arrow said

The names ben Ben introduced 

Nice to met you Ben Green arrow said

Alright well if we are done with the introductions may we get a start with our plan green lantern said 

Alright commander Ben said

Commander huh kinda harsh for me to hear Hal said

Hal what are you doing here? Wonder woman said confused 

Thought you might need some help Hal said shrugging 

I think its alright since im here jordan John said

John hows my bro doing? Hal asked

Im not your bro only comrade John said 

Right, anyways im here to help- Hal was cut off

Hal i think- john said

Hey i was the first green lantern of Earth and have a higher rank then you so please let me explain Hal said

John nodded

I want to help because this is my sector and im still a member of the justice league it is my duty to hell save others as well Hal said

Your in Batman said

Hal smiled

So whats my first assignment bats? Hal asked

We need you and Stewart to make planetary defences after we send them to apocalypse Batman said

Can do hal said

Excellent now the rest of you follow me to the hanger for you assignment batman said walking out 

They followed

They walked for awhile to Wally remembered something 

Hey wheres babs? Wally said

Back on Earth with her father Batman said

Damn kinda wanted to show her some of my speed Wally said

I think shes seen alot of that already Jason said

What do you mean by that? Wally said

They ignored and kept moving 

What do you mean by that! Wally yelled chasing them

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