Dark kryptonite

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Dark matter Kyrptonite? Superman said confused

Yeah and believe it or not but its there mega weapon Ben said

This is not good Hal said

You know about dark matter kryptonite? Wonder woman asked

Yes and all of the green lanterns Hal said

This is true John added

Well can you tell us about it? Kid flash asked

Better show you instead Hal said pointing his ring at the wall causing an image to pop up

Neat Ben said surprised

Before i went to my ordinary life the guardians discovered dark matter, its power is stronger then  anything i have seen before in my life, it was contained but very contagious, so if anyone was to explore it they would need the proper protection, the guardians decided they wanted to do some tests with it and accidentally created the black lantern corp, it was filled with these undead users who previously wore rings although it didnt just mean lantern users it could be anyone who passed, the rings may not had much power but it did make some trouble for us and other lantern corps, that was until our friend Kyle Rayner completed the form of the white lantern of life and destroyed all the rings. The guardians knew the trouble of dark matter and sealed it away for good so Darksied getting his hands on dark matter is not going to go well Hal said

So then why dont we call Kyle to stop this dark matter kryptonite? Ben asked

Thats not going to work Hal said

Why not? Flash asked

Cause he destroyed the rings which symbolises death dark matter kryptonite is different it doesnt represent death it represents destruction Hal replied 

So is there any way of destroying it? Batman asked

It could be Possible but i dont know Hal said

I might have an idea John said

Hit us Green arrow said

Dark matter is destruction the opposite of destruction is creation if we can find anything that symbolises creation it may stop it John said

Superman you suppose you have something? Flash asked

I dont Superman said

What a let down Flash said

Ben had an idea

I might know of something or someone Ben said

And who may that be? Batman asked

The original creator of the omnitrix the first thinker Azmuth Ben said

But isnt he in another dimension? Green arrow said

Yes but in cases like this i can access an digital ai the is like him Ben said

Right and why are you bringing this up now? Kid flash asked

Cause i forgot about it till now, and i need to access a code for it Ben said accessing the code

Access granted The ultimatrix said

Hello Benjamin it is i Azmuths Ai, i am just like the original so dont think you can do what you want Azmuths digit Ai said

Thats the guy who created your watch jeez hes small Flash said

I may be small but i can here you Azmuth said

Yeesh and his cranky Flash added

If i were you i would shut up Ben said

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