Finding Batgirl

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I guess its time for a jail break Flash said getting up

Hold on we still need on more person Ben said

Who? Flash replied

Batgirl Nightwing responded

Bingo Ben said 

Why do we need her i mean we have four people who can literally do this Flash asked

Cause she knows a way around a prison and if anyone could get the job done its her Ben said

How do you know this? Superman asked

When i came over to visit the bat fam they told me alittle about them selves Ben said

Oh the day where you kicked red hoods ass? John smirked

Jason pulled out his gun and pointed at john 

Dont try me Red hood said

He rolled his eyes 

Anyways as i was saying bruce can you teleport her here? Ben asked

Batman shook his head 

Why not? Ben questioned 

Shes still with her father Batman said

How do you know that? Kid flash questioned

Batman pulled out a surveillance camera and showed them

Creepy much? Kid flash questioned 

I need you to go get her for me batman asked them

 Sure i will just charm her up Kid flash said

Ben rolled his eyes 

Im only sending a few of you the rest need to stay and follow my plan while the others grab Barbara Batman sakd

Batman looked and picked out the four 

Wally, Tim, Kara, ben you four will get Barbara 

They nodded and went to the transport

Recognised kid flash 08, Robin 07, Supergirl 012, Ben 010 

They soon disappeared and came back into the bat cave exist 

They quickly changed their clothes and walked out as civilians 

Oh sweet shes gonna love this Wally said 

Whats there to love about a jail break? Tim asked

No not that these muscles wally said flexing

Why is Wally being so lovey dovey? Ben asked kara

This is normal he had a crush on her since their first mission kara responded 

Does Barbara like wally? Ben asked

Not necessarily she sees him more as a friend then a love interest you know Kara said

I know how that feels Ben said remembering kai from his youth age 

You've been rejected before? Tim asked

Yeah back when i started this gig at ten i met this girl her name was kai she was beautiful she was smart quick and athletic everything i wanted, she only liked me when i transformed into ben wolf ben said

Pffth ben wolf whats that kind of name? Wally laughed 

I changed it awhile ago to blitzwolf ben said

Okay thats some much better anyways what were you both talking about before? Wally asked

 Nothing really Ben said

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