Ben Tennyson and the bat family

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So what did you need me for? Ben asked inside of the batwing

I need you as the justice league has had some reports about the elites current invasion and we need to make security measures for when the time comes Batman said

Yeah but still why do you need me? Ben asked

I need you as i trust you to defend Gotham while im gone Batman said

Ben nodded 

And the others want to see you again Batman smirked 

Even red hood? Ben said smirking 

Unfortunately he isnt too keen of your arrival so give him time to process before you really strike up a conversation with him Batman said

Noted Ben said

They soon landed at the manor which is now looking twice as better then it was when two face attacked 

Neat home you got bats Ben said

Batman nodded and ushered him to follow, Ben went to the door of the manor and knocked, Just then some old man probably in his fifties came to the door

An master bruce i see you brought master Tennyson the man said

I have Alfred please take him to the cave Batman said

As you wish master bruce Alfred said ushering his hand to ben to follow

Ben waved at batman goodbye and followed Alfred inside

So how long you been working here? Ben asked

I have been working here since master bruce was in diapers Alfred said

Yeesh that long? Ben said

 Indeed Alfred said walking up to a clock and setting it at an exact time Just then the clock moved and revealed and doorway that lead underground 

Woah Ben said in excitement 

I would not have said how many times i hear people say woah when they find this Alfred mumbled under his breath

Oh sorry Ben rubbed his head

It is quite alright master Tennyson Alfred said

Please calm me ben Ben said

As you wish master ben Alfred said

Thats not what i- never mind Ben said

Alfred smirked 

You have fun now Alfred said walking away 

I will thanks! Ben yelled down the hall

Ben went down the stairs and the door shut behind him

Not creepy at all ben mumbled 

Ben continued to go down the big stair case which then revealed a large room full of cars, bikes weapons treasures and more

Woah this could fit the entire plumber bases inside it Ben said shocked

Cool isnt it Robin said hanging from the stair cases pole

Gah! Ben yelled in surprise falling down the stairs 

Ugh, oof, ow, yikes! Ben yelled falling down eventually landing on the floor

You good? Robin asked from the same spot

Trust me i have been hit worse Ben said getting up rubbing his back 

Robin then got off the pole and walked down the stairs

Just then nightwing and batgirl came out of the computer room

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