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Max sighs 

Trust me Azmuth i had the same reaction when you found out Max said

I some times cant believe that boy Azmuth said with his hand covering his eyes

Neither can i, but we need to find him Max said

Can you get any answers out of... him? Azmuth asked

Were trying but nothing is working, nothing scares him Max said

I may know one thing Azmuth said

And that is? Max replied

Azmuth hands max a device 

What is this? Max asked looking at the object Azmuth passed to him

This is an device that can show someones worst fear, but in a reality, it would not harm you, but it would look like its coming at you Azmuth said

We have those its called 3d Kevin said

KEVIN! Gwen yelled

What? I was just telling him Kevin said

Were not supposed to be in here remember?! Gwen said

Oh yeah, i have a hard time following orders sorry Kevin said 

Ugh you might as well stay since your in here know Azmuth said annoyed

Alright! Kevin yelled

Gwen faceplamed 

Max clears his throat 

As you were saying Azmuth 

Yes thats right, this device will show you what Vilgax hates the most, it will show a fake future of what would happen Azmuth said

Oh sweet can we try it? Kevin asked

Azmuth activates the device and shows it a Kevin 

Kevin stands there in a trance then snaps out

Kevin falls down to his knees 

That was the worst thing i have ever saw Kevin said

Gwen grabs Kevin and rest his head on Gwens arms

Hey im here Gwen said

My life was crumbling away each minute Kevin said

But you were only looking at it for five seconds? Gwen said

Five seconds? More like 50 years Kevin said

What did you see? Gwen asked

I lost everything i loved most Kevin said

Hey im not going anywhere Gwen said with a smile

What? No not you the money, all of it was gone Kevin said

Gwen dropped Kevin

Oww! Kevin yelled

Yep it worked alright Gwen said with annoyance in her voice

Bring me too vilgax if we are done with... whatever this is Azmuth said

Yep lets go Gwen said

They leave, Kevin still on the floor

Kevin gets up

HEY WAIT FOR ME! Kevin yelled

Kevin caught up with the rest of them

Thanks for asking if i was alright guys Kevin said

This is no time for jokes Levin Azmuth said

Kevin looked flabbergasted while Gwen snickered 

Just then they walked through a door that revealed an injured vilgax

Azmuth so good to meet you again Vilgax said

Can it squidward we have business to attend to Azmuth said

If its about your precious ben you will never find him! Vilgax laughed

Oh please he isn't special to me, only what he can accomplish is special Azmuth said

Well you still wont get an answer from me that easy Vilgax said

I wanst plaining on you telling me the easy way Azmuth said bring out the device

What is that some sort of mind control device? Vilgax said

Oh no, that would be too good for you, this will make you tell us everything unless you want to suffer i  fear for the rest of the life Azmuth said

Your bluffing Vilgax responded

Very well Azmuth shrugged showing the device to Vilgax

Vilgax is brought into a trance and just like Kevin snapped out of it

Now will you tell me? Azmuth said

I... used... a dimension ray and banished him to a unknown dimension Vilgax shuddered 

Wow that device really gave him the chills Kevin said

Even the evilest beings have their own dark fears Azmuth said

Come on back to my lab Azmuth said

What about squid face over there? Kevin asked

Leave him, he is no longer useful to us Azmuth said

They walk out of the cell and shut it behind them

Vilgax sat there in silence slightly annoyed at himself

Wow, watching the almighty Vilgax crumble by a small galvan tsch sad The voice said

Might as well come out Vilgax said as he knew the voice

Why happy to see my after you left me to rot on YOUR ship? The voice said

That was your own doing, you teamed up with me Vilgax said

Yeah i didnt realise i was going to be stripped of my creation! The voice said

Please your creation was nothing compared to the original omnitrix Vilgax snarled

That is why i created the ultimatrix! The voice said revealing his body

He wore a red jacket he had red eyes and white hair, he wore a white t-shirt and black jeans 

And that is why you failed! Vilgax yelled

Doesnt matter, i have a new plan to destroy Tennyson and his pathetic friends once and forever the boy said

By what creating a new ultimatrix? Vilgax asked

The boy smirked

Something like that but even better! The boy said

Whats in it for me? Vilgax asked

I give you the complete omnitrix that Azmuth is finishing 

Vilgax thought about it

Do we have a deal? The boy asked

Deal Vilgax said

The boy smiled

But first

What? Vilgax asked

I need to finish this the boy said holding an omnitrix core

What are you planing now? Vilgax asked

My newest creation

That is? Vilgax asked

The ultimate ultimatrix! The boy yelled

Think you can improve the original?

I dont think, i know the boy said

Whatever you say


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