Return of the Justice league part 2

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Previously on The new dimension Ben Tennyson mange's to get aboard the elite starship that was starting to leave the planets atmosphere for the second part of their plan, Ben mange's to fight off the elite and frees the young heroes known as Nightwing, Redhood, Robin, Batgirl, Supergirl, and kidflash, as they now make their way to free the justice league 

Alright this should be the place Upgrade said

Supergirl can you see any heat signature's? Nightwing asked

I will see, but im not one hundred precent sure all my power has come back yet Supergirl said

Well thats just great Kidflash said

Batgirl nudges his arm

Owww Kid flash wines 

Supergirl looks down sad

Ben notices this and goes to cheer her up

Hey its okay we will find another way trust me upgrade says

Supergirl looks up and smiles and him

Thanks she said

Robin is there any computers around here? Nightwing asks

Uh yeah but one problem Robin said

And that is? Redhood asked

I cant hack into it, its blocked off real tight Robin said

Maybe he can give it ago? Kid flash points to Upgrade 

Yeah i mean he did get us out of our cells so why not give it a shot Batgirl said

Hey kid you think you can help us? Redhood asked

I will see Upgrade said walking to the computer 

Upgrade touched the computer and goes into it

Bro how does he do it? Kid flash says in confused tone

Upgrade then exits the computer with the door opening 

Ta daaa! Upgrade exclaimed 

That was quite impressive Robin said

Yeah not even i could get into the system that fast Nightwing said

Can we congratulate the alien later and finish our job? Redhood asked

Redhood is right we need to finish this off Nightwing said

As the seven of them walk into the area they are swarmed in with guards 

Great just what we needed Redhood sighed

You guys go free the justice league i will finish them off Upgrade said

And how do you plan doing that? Robin asked

By doing this! Upgrade yells slamming the ultimatrix core

Bens body is once again covered by a blinding green light that surrounds the area

Ben is now replaced with a small white alien 

ECHO ECHO! Echo echo yelled

How is that going to help? Kid flash asks

By. Doing. This Echo echo said multiplying into more of himself

Bro what the? Robin asked

Echo echo smiled

Go. And. Save. You. Friends. I. Will. Take. Them. On! Echo echo said

Alright team you heard the alien lets go! Nightwing said

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