The creation

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*Alarm beeps*

Whats going on? Kevin asked

The contaminate cell vilgax was in has been breached! Max said

Quick we need to get there now! Gwen said running off

Azmuth can you finish off the dimension ray? Max said

I can indeed you must hurry and stop Vilgax Azmuth said working of the blaster

Max nodded running after Kevin and Gwen 

Max suited up in a plumber amour and got to the cell where they where vilgax was missing

Wheres Vilgax? Max asked

Gone, the cell wasnt busted but someone clearly broke him out Kevin said

They must have learnt the galvanic codes if they were to break him out Gwen  said

But who knows the galvans language? Kevin said

The one who wants revenge on us Max said

And who would that be? Kevin said

The same person who stole the omnitrix core for the second time Gwen said

Bens twin Albedo Max said

YES i have mastered my creation! Albedo yelled raising his newly formed ultimatrix 

Do not get over confident with that device boy Vilgax said

Im sorry but who was the one who broke you out of jail again Albedo smirked

You forget i can destroy you in seconds vilgax said

Unfortunately unlike the last time, this one gives me the ultimate form of the ultimates Albedo said

I see Vilgax said

Now all we need is a way to find Tennyson and destroy him for once and forever Albedo said

We will take their dimension ray Vilgax said

Dont you have one? Albedo asked

It was destroyed thanks to that antiodite Vilgax said

Blast Albedo said

Indeed that is why you are grabbing the blaster for me Vilgax said

Fat chance captain squid face Albedo said

Dont you want to give your creation a test try? Then destroy the plumbers and Tennysons family but keep azmuth alive i need him to finish my omnitrix Vilgax said

Albedo smiled 

I understand now, you want to prove my power and show that im not a weakling like the Tennyson boy I accept Albedo said

Indeed now do what you must do now Vilgax said walking away

I dont take orders from you! Albedo said

Unfortunately you have already agreed Vilgax smiled leaving

Blast Albedo whispered walking outside the cave

Back at the plumbers HQ 

So let me get this straight Albedos back and freed Vilgax and now im missing another omnitrix core! Azmuth yelled

Unfortunately you are correct Max said

Azmuth sighed

If i know my former assistant he will be creating a new omnitrix just like the last one Azmuth said 

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