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As the members of the justice league got sent to the watch tower the looked outside and saw a fleet of elite ships

Thats alot of ships! Flash yelled

Yeah no kidding Kevin replied looking at the ships


They shook around as some elite scout ships blasted the watch tower

We need to fight back! Hal yelled

But we dont have that many ships! Kid flash yelled

But we cant just sit around and do nothing! Nightwing yelled


They shook again

Superman looked outside and grew furious 

We need a plan! Green arrow said

I'll go Superman said walking up

What? They asked

Im the only one who can slow them down, you guys figure out a plan i will stop them Superman said

Your not doing this alone! Supergirl said walking next to her cousin 

Superman only looked at her 

There after me aswell, i cant let you do this by yourself! Supergirl yelled

Superman only nodded

But we need more help Superman said looking at Hal and John

We can get the green lanterns to help Hal said

But wouldnt that take ages? Gwen asked

It might but we may be just Earths last hope Hal said 

Well we need to do something now then ever! Plastic man yelled 

Hes right we need to move now Redhood said


While you guys take the ships on we will stand on Earth taking down those parademons Batman said

They nodded

Im coming with you two Ben said

What? Superman and batman said confused

My ultimatrix gives me ultimate forms remember, if i help you, we may have more of a chance to save Earth.... This earth Ben said

Ben are you sure? What about your time limit? Superman asked

I can stick as one alien for a long time, but if i do it, then that uses up all the power for that time Ben said

Superman only nodded

Alright were set Superman said

Good, try not to die Batman said

We will try Superman said

Alright move out! Batman yelled as they ran to the transporter sending them to Earth excluding the two green lanterns, kryptionians and ben

We will head to Oa and get the other green lanterns to fight Hal said

They nodded 

Good luck John said as they ran to the exit

So ben what alien will you be using? Supergirl asked

Ben selected his aliens and stoped on one

Ben slammed down on the core


The new dimension ben 10 ultimate alien and young/ justice league unlimitedWhere stories live. Discover now