Code name: justice league rescue mission go

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Alright we are almost at bruces coordinates green arrow said piloting 

How did batman even find this place? Kid flash asked

Bro its batman what do you expect? Redhood said

Ben fiddled with the ultimatrix 

So whats up? Supergirl asked

Nothing much just fiddling ben said

Oh i see supergirl said disappointed 

Alright we are here green arrow said 

They put on their space suits excluding supergirl and ben 

Hey ben shouldnt you wear on of these? Robin asked 

No need ben said transforming 

Greymatter! Greymatter yelled

Greymatter seriously i wanted big chill Greymatter whined 

Uh whos this? Green arrow asked

This is a galvan greymatter said

Wait you mean your creators kind? Kid flash asked

Indeed sometimes this device can mess up the transformations i have but switching will cause the ultimatrixs power to deplete faster unless i had the master control to which i do not have greymatter said

Whoa you were right when you said that alien kind is smart kid flash said

Unfortunately you just do not understand proper english hints why it sounds like im smart when clearly you are dumb greymatter said

Dang he gots the roasts nightwing said

They laughed 

Wally rolled his eyes 

I am not stupid Wally said

exactly what a stupid person would say Greymatter said

He got you there redhood laughed 

Ben you can be a jerk sometimes Wally said

Yes you are right but luckily you are not putting up with ten year old me he would make you blow your brains out Greymatter said 

That i can believe Kid flash said

Excellent now if we are done i must require some assistance as my legs will not have the ability to cary me as fast as you lot greymatter said

Batgirl picked him up and placed him on her shoulder

Thank you now off we go Greymatter said 

They exited the ship and quickly moved into the shadows only making slow movements to mot be found, while doing so taking cover so the guards light towers wont find them that is until they reach the door to no surprise is locked

Alright give me a minute to hack into this robin said

The code if 223245 greymatter said

Kidflash inputed it in

The doors unlocked 

How did you know? Nightwing asked

That is villain code 101 and also if you stop to pay attention they only have those numbers on the pad Greymatter said

Come on lets keep moving we must not waste anymore time green arrow said

They walked inside the halls and found it to be quiet 

Odd for a cell these places are quiet as heck batgirl said

Your telling me greymatter said

As they walk they find one of the members of the justice league 

Blue beetle? Nightwing asked

Jamie turned his head

Guys thanks God your here Jamie said

He then noticed ben

Whos the little guy? He asked

Long story short this is ben he has a watch that transforms him into aliens and is not from this dimension kid flash said

Oh was all jamie said

Ben er greymatter you know how to open this? Supergirl asked 

Ben nodded and looked at the door

The key pad smash it greymatter said

Supergirl nodded and punched the key pad causing the doors to unlock 

Ah thanks jamie said walking out stretching his arms

Why did you use the scarab? Robin asked

They had these mini disks that prevent my transformation but thanks that im out i can finally be the blue beetle once more Jamie said striking a pose

Nothing happened

Oh come on! Jamie yelled

they heard beeps

Yeah well we arent in the cell anymore are we? Jamie said annoyed 

I might ask but is he insane? Greymatter asked

No hes talking to the scarab nightwing said

Scarab? Greymatter asked

Another alien device like yours he can get given powers but only as the blue beetle unlike yours though hes device is alive and on his spine nightwing said

That makes sense greymatter said

How does that make sense to you? Kid flash asked

Look enough we have to find and save the other members of the justice league now green arrow said

Right they all said

Blue beetle transformed 

Ah sweet blue beetles back! Blue beetle said excited 

Right come on we dont have all day green arrow said running off

They ran after him and found a problem

Three corridors looks like we might have to split green arrow said

Alright we will settle teams

Kara your with robin and me, Green arrow will be with red hood and blue beetle, You three need to work together nightwing said

They nodded and ran off in the directions 

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