Rush hour

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The young heroes and the justice league using a elite ship fly towards the leader ship of darksied 

Inside they wait readying up

Ben scrolls through the ultimatrix looking for the new alien but cant find it

Were almost there batman said piloting the ship

As they went up they saw the dark kryptonite laser blasting down on the ground 

We need to destroy that weapon now or we may lose three heroes green arrow said

You think? Hal asked 

As the ship was getting closer lasers shot down on the ship causing it to sway 

As this happened batman fell into the dashboard with wonderwoman and green arrow landing ontop of his chair, redhood nightwing and robin collapsing ontop of each other, flash and kid flash fell to the floor, the two green lanterns floated, martian manhunter fazed through the floor but quickly reentered, and ben fell ontop of batgirl

Oh sorry babs Ben said getting off her

Batgirl blushed under her mask 

Its uh no problem batgirl said 

Uh bats can you try and dodge the oncoming lasers instead of hitting them green arrow said

Yeah you trying to get us with a concussion? Redhood asked

Its a bird, its a plane, no its an concussion kid flash joked about superman when he first started being a hero

That got him glares from everyone as superman and the other two were slowly dying 

Yeesh tough crowd kid flash said pulling the collar of his suit

Just then more lasers when out to hit them

Shields? Hal asked

Out of commission batman said

Hal and john quickly summoned a protective shield around them 

This wont last forever they said

The lasers kept hitting the green shield cracking it

Gwen quickly made a purple energy shield ontop of the green shield 

Could of done that before? John asked

Not the time to fight we need to get on that ship, that is our main priority right now batman said

A explosion could be heard from the top of the ship

An alarm went off

Whats going on? Redhood asked

Batman typed on the computer next to the controls 

The ship has just lost its power source batman said

Warning ship has lost 20% of power the computer said

Crap what are we going to do? Kid flash asked

Another explosion was heard

40% the computer said

We cant fly everyone and even if we could those laser would take us out Green arrow said

Another explosion 

60% the computer said 

Just then ben had an idea

Warning the ship has lost 96% of power the computer said

Ben then turned into upgrade 

I got this! Upgrade yelled morphing into the ship 

The new dimension ben 10 ultimate alien and young/ justice league unlimitedWhere stories live. Discover now