Kent farm

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As Ben now as Astrodactile Clark and Kara were flying towards kent farm they were telling ben about their home planets and what it would've been like for them, Ben and kara took some time to get better understanding of each other if they were to live together on the kent farm, awhile later the trio were at the farm as it was dark out

Man what time is it? Ben asked now in his human form

Its 5 in the morning Kara said

Shouldnt we wait until 7? Ben asked

Why? Kara asked

Just so they can sleep in a little longer before we walk in ya know? Ben said 

Trust me when i say they are awake Clark said

MA PA IM HOME! Clark yelled

Just then the door opened reviling two old people who looked like they were in their sixties 

Clark! The man yelled in surprised tone

Kara! The women also yelled hugging them both

Hey Ma Hey pa Clark said

They noticed Ben

Whos your friend their Clarky? John asked

This is ben a hero from another dimension Clark said

Another dimension? Martha said

Thats a new one Clark Johnathan laughed 

No im serious he actually is from another dimension Clark said

Wait he is? Johnathan said more surprised

Whats your name dear? Martha asked

Benjamin kirby Tennyson but everyone calls me Ben, Ben said

Whats your powers? Flight, laser vision, ice breath? John said

Pa i told you not all heroes have that power Clark sighed 

I know Johnathan laughed 

Anyways Ben why dont you tell my parents here what your powers are? Kara said

Oh right i forgot Ben faceplamed 

Ben shows them the ultimatrix 

What is that a fancy watch? John said

Its the ultimatrix an alien device capable of turning me into over thousands of aliens Ben said

They got the powers i listed? John said

Some of them depends though i havent used all of them Ben shrugged 

John nodded

Anyways Clark why are you bringing him here im sure its not just for an introduction Martha said

Always thinking ahead Ma Clark said

Well we brought him here as he has no home and the other members are currently busy doing there other things Clark said

Mh hmm They said

Please let Ben stay please! Kara begged 

Ah fine they said with smiles 

You hear that ben! Kara said excited 

Ben? Kara asked looking around for him

Just then the giant dinosaur came back

Ben why are you uh a giant dinosaur? Clark said

Oh while you guys were talking i saw the roof over there kind of fallen off so i went a fixed it Humungosaur said

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