Reunited at last

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As the jet soon landed the heroes walked out with the villains in cuffs

Oh come in we dont need these Joker said

Uh yeah you kinda do nightwing said 

No we dont Joker said

Im not getting into this right now Nightwing said annoyed 

Joker noticed redhood

Hey, I remember you Joker said

Jason looked at joker

I killed you right? Joker asked smiling like the creep he is

Jason pulled out his gun and pointed it at joker 

I suggest if you want to stay alive you shut your mouth Redhood said

Joker laughed

Ben grabbed his shoulder, to which jason responded by looking at the teen

Just ignore him, hes getting in your head again Ben said

Jason nodded and put his gun away

Oh yeah just listen to the boy Joker laughed

Batgirl punched him in the jaw 

Shut up batgirl said

Joker stopped laughing and went serious 

Ow Joker said rubbing his jaw 

Soon the members of the league came in

Its great that you finally found them Flash said

Ah flash my nemesis Captain cold said

Can it we need to work together Flash said annoyed 

Uh flash you good buddy? Kid flash asked

Hmm yeah im good Flash lied

Then why are you lying? Artemis asked raising a brow

Flash sighed

Come with me Ben the rest of you lock up these guys Flash said

Why do you need ben? Robin asked

Personal reasons Flash said

Ben looked at them who shrugged 

Ben then looked a flash and walked with him

Right now with that done green arrow said turning to the villains

Which cellmate do you want? Green arrow asked smirking 

Ben was walking down with flash

You know i dont think we really spoke to each other much Ben said

What makes you say that? Flash asked

I dont know i just think we havent Ben said

Fair enough Flash said

They soon made it to the main hall where the members where

Hey guys whats up? Ben asked

We have some guest Wonder woman said

Oh really and who may those visitors be? Ben asked

What cant be happy to see your bestfriend and cousin? Kevin asked from the balcony 

Ben looked in the direction of kevins voice

Kevin gwen? Ben asked

Hey ben Gwen said with a wave

Ben smiled 

Your here! Your really here?! Ben said excitement 

The duo jumped off and ran to give him a hug

They hugged it out

I thought id never see you guys again Ben smiled 

The members smiled 

Ben the realised something

Wait how did you even get here? Ben asked braking away from the hug

Azmuth made a new dimension ray Gwen said

Great ben said

But theres a problem Kevin said

What? Ben asked

Vilgax is here too Kevin said

Bens reaction went to anger

And its even worse Gwen said

What? Ben asked

Albedos here too Kevin said

Oh you got to be kiddin me! Ben said

Yeah and he may or may not of created another ultimatrix that can ultimate the ultimate forms Kevin said

Ben grabbed his hair

Wait whos albedo? Flash asked

My evil double ganger he looks like me with white hair red jacket red eyes white shirt and black jeans Ben said

Ah gotcha Flash said

But as you said he created an ultimate form for the ultimatrix? Ben asked

Yeah it gives his ultimate aliens and ultimate form Kevin said

How do you know this? Ben asked

Personal experience Gwen said

Well this isnt good if they met with darksied this could change all the plans Ben said

Whos darksied? Kevin asked

Uh we had a meeting about it like 3 hours ago? Gwen looked at kevin 

Oh yeah right Kevin said

Well its good we have you back again we need all the help we can get Ben said

Awesome so wheres this team of yours? Kevin asked

Right here Redhood said

Guys meet my friends and teammates Ben said

It is nice to meet you all Gwen said

Uh yeah what she said Kevin said

Gwen gave Kevin a little glare

It is so nice to meet you ben has told us alot about you Batgirl said

Hopefully all good things Kevin said

Yeah he said when you were a kid you were kinda a jerk and you and ben fought each other like alot Batgirl said

Okay maybe all good things Kevin said

 It doesnt matter now as we have bigger things to face Green arrow said

Indeed will you guys help us? Ben asked

Is that even a question? Kevin asked

Well kinda Kid flash said

Were in they said

Ben smiled 

And one more thing ben said

Yeah the duo spoke

Its really good to see you guys again ben said

They smiled 

Yeah it is with you too cousin Gwen said hugging him again

Ben hugged her back

Come on kevin Ben said

Uh Kevin said

Gwen pulled his into the hug

Welp there goes my status Kevin said as he hugged them

But i dont care anymore Kevin smiled

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