Go save him

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Gwen and Kevin woke up slowly as they had been taken out by albedo 

Ugh what happened? Kevin asked

I think we just had our butts handed to us Gwen said standing up

Ugh yeah now I remember Kevin sad rubbing his head getting up

Wait wheres? They said

AZMUTH! they yelled as they looked at the lab 

His safe Max said coming out 

Grandpa your alive! Gwen hugged him

Heh its going to take more then that to take out your grandpa Max laughed as gwen hugged him

Okay so wheres the little guy? Kevin asked looking at the smashed table

If you cared to look you would see i am right here Azmuth said on his bench 

Right Kevin said

Anyways what were they here for? Gwen asked

My dimensions ray Azmuth said

Please tell me they didnt get it Kevin said

No Azmuth said

Oh thank God kevin said

I gave it to them Azmuth said

That is practically letting them get it Kevin said annoyed 

No it isnt that was a prototype i made another version before they broke in, to which i swapped out with for the prototype Azmuth said grabbing the other ray gun

Well good thing the prototype doesnt work Kevin said

They looked at him

Right? Kevin asked nervously 

Unfortunately it does work but not as well Azmuth said

Oh great Kevin said

Why would you make another ray gun that works for them? Gwen asked

I gave it to them so i could get you to ben Azmuth said

Wait are you saying? Kevin said

Yes i have finally found a way to bring ben to us Azmuth said

Thats great! Gwen said

But there is a slight problem Azmuth said

And that is? Kevin asked

I can not pin point his location only where he is, it is up to you to get him Azmuth said

Great not a problem Gwen said

Actually that comes to my second thing Azmuth said

Oh great here we go kevin said

It needs to recharge after every use so when you get there you must wait before you go in again Azmuth said

And how long does it take to charge exactly? Kevin asked

24 hours Azmuth said

A whole day?! They yelled

Unfortunately the use of the blast is so strong that it would drain out quickly Azmuth said

So you need to open the portal again? Kevin asked

No cause you will be bringing it with you Azmuth said

Right are you sure? Kevin asked

Yeah are you? Gwen asked

Unfortunately your the only ones i can trust with it Azmuth said

Alright so wait are we waiting for? Kevin asked

Azmuth nodded and put it the coordinates for the blast

Alright be safe and remember 24 hours or the blast wont work and need to recharge later Azmuth said

You never said that before Kevin said

Azmuth ignored and opened the portal 

Good luck you both Azmuth said throwing the ray to gwen

Gwen caught it

They nodded and walked through the portal

The portal closed

Theres no going back now Max said

Yes but they will do it they get him back Azmuth said

Max nodded and looked where the portal was

Good luck you both Max said

Meanwhile with the duo

My head hurts Kevin said rubbing his temples

Gwen doing the same

They looked up and saw a control room

Uh wait is this? Kevin asked

I dont know Gwen said about to touch the computer 

Just then a batarang hit the computer

HEY! Gwen yelled looking at Batman

Who are you and why are you here Batman asked 

Where looking for someone Kevin said

Well whoever your looking for isnt here so i suggest you leave before i make you leave Batman said

Or really? Gwen asked

Batman stood unfazed 

Gwen powered up her hands and fired on batman 

Batmans eyes went wide and dodged 

Kevin absorbed the metal surface of the watchtower and ran at batman

Batman dodged and punched kevin

Batman grabbed his hand

Heh surprised? Kevin asked

Batman dodged kevins punch

Thats when more of the justice league stepped in

Wait is this a freak show? Kevin asked

Stand down Superman said

Or what? Kevin asked morphing his hand its a blade 

Wait absorbing powers purple constructs Wonderwoman thought 

Just then gwen threw more blasts at them 

Flash quickly moved them out of the blasts 

Superpowered freaks noted Kevin said

The league continued to fight kevin and gwen excluding batman who looked at the young teens

Batman then realised who they were and jumped into the middle of the fight

Wait stop! Batman yelled

They stopped and looked at batman

There not our enemies Batman said

But they attacked you! Flash said

Out of self defence batman said

Wait whats going in? Gwen asked

Batman looked at them

These are bens family Batman said

Gwens and kevins eyes widen

You know ben? They asked

Batman nodded 

Wait okay who are you guys? Kevin asked

And how do you know ben? Gwen asked

Sit down theres a long story to be told here Martian man hunter said

Then even have aliens here too? Kevin asked

Like he said sit and listen Batman said

They nodded and sat

Superman began to speak

It started when.... ......

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