chapitre 1 the beginning

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Did I die? If so, how? Was I assassinated?

I don't remember wronging anyone, but then again, being a powerful public figure gave others all sorts of reasons to want me dead.


Since it didn't seem like I was going to wake up anytime soon, while I slowly gravitated towards this bright light, I might as well go along with it.

The journey seemed to take an eternity; I half expected a choir of children to be singing an angelic hymn, beckoning me towards what I hoped would be heaven.

Instead, my vision of everything around me turned into a blur of bright red as sounds assaulted my ears. When I tried to say something, the only sound that came out seemed to be a cry.

The muffled voices became clearer and I made out a: "Congratulations Sir and Madam, he's a healthy girl".


I guess normally, I should be thinking along the lines of "Shit, was I just born? Am I a baby now?"

Assessing my situation in a rational, queen-like manner, I noticed, first of all, that wherever this place was, I understood the language. That's always a good sign.

Next, after slowly and painfully opening my eyes, my retinas were bombarded with different colors and figures. It took a bit of time for my infant eyes to get used to the light. The doctor, or so it seemed, in front of me had a not-so-appealing face with long, graying hair on both head and chin. I swear his glasses were thick enough to be bulletproof. The strange thing was, he wasn't wearing a doctor's gown nor were we even in a hospital room.

I looked around and saw the female who pushed me out of her tunnel. Calling her mother should be fair. Taking a few more seconds to see what she looked like, I'd have to admit she's a beauty, but that might have been caused by my half blurry eyes. Rather than a glamorous beauty, I would better describe her as lovely, in a very kind and gentle sense, with distinct auburn hair and brown eyes. I couldn't help but notice her long eyelashes and perky nose that made me want to just cling to her. She just permeated this motherly feeling. Is this why babies were attracted to their mothers?

I peeled my face away and turned right to barely make out the person who I assumed was my father by the idiotic grin and teary eyes he gazed at me with. Immediately he said, "Hi little Art, I'm your daddy, can you say dada?" I glanced around to see both my mother and the house doctor (for all the certification he seemed to have), rolling their eyes as my mother managed to scoff, "Honey, she was just born."

What a lovely and idiotic father I now have.

The following couple of weeks after my journey out of the tunnel was a new kind of torture for me. I had little to no motor control over my limbs except being able to wave them around, and even that got tiring quickly. I realized all too grudgingly that babies don't really get to control their fingers all that much.

I don't know how to break it to you guys, but when you place your finger on a baby's palm, they don't grab it because they like you, they grab it because it's like getting hit in the funny bone; it's a reflex. Forget motor control, I can't even excrete my wastes at my discretion. I was not yet the master of my own bladder. It just... came out. Haa...

On the bright side, one of the few perks that I became happily accustomed to was being breastfed by my mother.

Since arriving in this world I learn a couple of things, first is that my name is now "Art Lewin" (don't judge me pls i am as bad as arthur to name things) , my mother is married to my father their names are Alice and Reynold Lewin we live in Ashber

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