chapitre 2 help me

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3rd person POV:

In the beast glade a family of adventurers who have a child who is 3 years old are running from high level mana beasts they got ambushed by bandits and after the fight high level mana beast were in approach .

They were now at the border between Elenoir and the beast glade; the mana beast was at least ss class so it followed them the whole day . The parents decided to hide their child and give the child their dimensional ring. They played hide and seek in a cave in front of the sea and then went to defeat the beast for their child ...

but unfortunately two initial silver core mage are not enough for an ss class mana beast they perish quickly against such a powerful being. The beast then went for the child but was stopped by an overwhelming presence .

Liam POV:

My parents wanted to play hide and seek with me in a cave in front of the sea but they never came back. They gave me their dimensional ring which was weird. I thought they would buy me one only when I will be an adventurer like them but then I saw it . It was the beast that was chasing us for almost all day a though we lose him but no he was big at least 4 meter tall werewolf body only heard of it in story to scare me an alpha werewolf ss class mana beast take his time to hunt his prey but finish it in a matter of second or less and extremely intelligent .

I was so afraid I thought I was going to die just by looking at it and I saw what he had in his hand my parent weapons broken , the beautiful elven bow of my mother given to her by my father who had an Elf acquaintance and order it for my mother for their wedding and on the other hand my father broken sword that my mom gift to him as her wedding present I start crying uncontrollably ... My parents were dead and I know it by the blood on the hand and mouth of the beast.

I was angry, sad, nervous , afraid but most of all divested by the loss of my parents.

Suddenly the beast was in front of me . 'So this is how I die' i thought when a pressure far superior came in the ss class beast was nowhere to be see at his place was just my parents weapons then a woman came into vue with the beast dead and in a horrible state the woman perce the chest of the beast and a beast core like my parents called it was in her hand .

My vision was cloud by my teary eyes as the pressure she gave made me fall unconscious

My eyes opened with such difficulty but the sealing was different then my house so I jolted up not knowing where I was and it all suddenly came back ... my parents are dead I started to cry again it was so painful but then two harms came to hold me .

It was he woman who saved me she had beautiful sea blue eyes with shades of turquoise her navy blue hair to go really well with her eyes her white skin ,she is definitely one of the beautiful person I have ever seen in my short lifeI continue to cry my heart out for what felt like hours and then I finally said something.

"Thank you for saving me." with a sob I manage to blur that out .

"You don't have to thank me if I was there a little early. I would be able to not just you but your parents as well" she said in an apologetic manner . I then looked at her and said something my parents always say to me.

 "what's in the past stay in the past." she looked at me confused and I explained " you could have not known that we were going to be here and even less that they will be a beast that even my parents could not take down." I said to her, still sad. she then smiled at me.

"you are wise for your age you know that." it was such a gentle smile that I felt like nothing happened .

After that I just drink water and eat something . I ask for her name and it's Mina .

She wanted to take me to some relatives of mine but I told her that except my parents I do not have a family. I'm all alone now . She then proposed that I live with her here and I accepted because I had nothing else to do . She taught me manners and how to survive. She even helped me form my mana core in less than 4 months. I was so happy I formed it. She also was overjoyed.

Over time she started to take me to the beast glade and she trained me to use a spear which was also her weapon so it was easy for her to teach me. I also learned to absorb mana while moving and hide the mana presence so I can conjure things without people knowing it is called mirage walk and is a mana art from asura but guess what I can do it too but it is not complete since I can't hide my presence completely i can just use it offensively and not passively .

After some time she started to be visibly worried over something I didn't ask a question but she explained it herself.

Apparently there is another continent, one is Alacrya ruled by the Vritra clan and another Ephaetus ruled by self proclaimed gods . She is also an asura or god but she was exiled for having a child which is not of the same clan. The child is yet to be born since it needs somewhere safe and the beast glade is all but safe if you ask me.

Over a year with her I learned that I could control 3 elements and one deviance for the moment: earth and gravity like my father, water and hopefully ice like my mother and wind my personal element . Mina said that I was a genius but deep down I know it has something to do with her .

After 4 and a half years, the second worst day of my life happened.

"Liam, we need to talk about an important matter." Mina said in a serious tone, which means it's really important. I nervously made my way to her and sat down in front of her. 

" What is it Mina?" I ask not sure if I will like the next sentence .

"Firstly I would like you to know that I love you and that you are like my child to me. But there is now pressing matter and we will not see each other again ." I was shocked, my second mother figure will be no more soon , I will lose everything again. I did not say anything, just trying to process what was given to me , then she talked again .

"I will give you a part of my body 50% is the maximum I can since I am not good with aether " with a smile chuckle "I will also give you my unique will to give you better chance in the future against strong enemies or not I do hope not "

"Has the reason why now it is simple "she posed before continuing "you will know in due time I will also give you my own children please take care of him not like I did" she started to cry but kept calm knowing she had to be strong for me . "With your talent I hope you can change this world for the better "

I started to cry because I will not see her again she then took her leviathan form which was ferocious while being marvelous , she then give me her will which made my core tremble gave me part off her lance which will fit me perfectly the more I grow and lastly her child that i will have to take care off .

She was weakened a lot. Her blue skin was pale. We cried a lot exchanging kind words to one another before I fell asleep and awoke in front of a camp "so she is gone huh." I said aloud , depressed more to myself than others who were watching me.

I grabbed the blue and gold egg in my hand knowing what I have to do for my life I looked at the lady with white hair with determination while crying and said "where am I?" 


the photo of a levithan is Mina but a lot smaller of course

when it is original do not hope for a lot of word more then a thousan is already a good day of brainstorming

bye bye boys and girl;-;

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