Prologue Pt 1

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 A/N, just trust this. It is part of the plot as to why they're in sophomore year. (I'm a sucker for making bitch characters into pleasant and likable people that might be questionable, but trust me when I say that it will get, hopefully, easier as time goes on to understand. Also, with things like why one character has the same last name as another, I headcanon a few specific things, always have, and always will. Also, I thought of random last names for some characters that don't have canon names or gave them one based on one of my headcanons). (Also no idea if I got the personalities of the characters right. Just for clarification, the date of time is Tuesday, February 6.)

Second semester, which meant almost the end of sophomore year.

Students were ecstatic at the idea of summer, no school or homework, just relaxation. A time to play video games, and hang out with friends or family. Just to have the time of your life.

Well, that'd be in three months.

Students will have to wait through three months of torture and excruciating lives as students in a mundane school.

Well, that's what many thought, specifically the music club. They all had their reasons to hate it, but the girl members had particular reasons for hating school.

Hailey Austin. She hated school not for getting up early and going in 7 hours a day. No, it was due to the bullying from 4 boys; Drew Remington, Liam Gray, Henry Connors, and...Jake Sterling.

The newer one of their group of jealous little boys, picking on others for their talents. That's what she hated. She couldn't stand the fact that they, especially, won't leave her alone. They might mess with her step-brother and her friends, but they always go after her.

Specifically Jake.

He's always bothering her, constantly calling her princess, and mocking her only for her musical talents. 

She's fed up with it all. It reached the point where her self-esteem and confidence levels are practically non-existent due to him and his friends. It hurts. She doesn't want to keep falling into their insult traps, but she can't help herself.

Milly Brooks. She hated school, and the only things that made it worth going in each day to that living hell hole were the music club and her crus---friend Elliot Sterling.

He was her first friend ever since 7th grade! They've known each other for a while now, and they practically understand each other by the book. But what really gets her going is when Zoey messes with her and Drew and his posse, excluding Jake, mess with Elliot.

She gets furious when Zoey doesn't leave her alone and is pissed when Drew picks on Elliot. She's already beaten the green-haired one into a living pulp due to him messing with Elliot. 

To which the nickname: Pink-Haired Devil was born.

The boys have their problems too.

Sean Everett. He hates how his friends are bullied for something they love and that Hailey is continuously teased the most. But due to their consistency in being jerks, she isn't confident, and he wishes she would have more confidence in her abilities.

Zander Wickham. He hates being bullied by Drew and his morons, and how they mainly pick on his step-sister, Hailey.

Luke Peterson. He doesn't like seeing the ones he cares for always being looked down upon and mistreated just for being who they are. He cares about all his friends and wishes they were offered a chance to express themselves in front of others without the fear of judgment. He especially hates how Hailey is continuously picked on.

Then there's another friend thrown into the mix; Hailey's best friend since 7th grade.

Lia Denver. She's had her ups and downs with Hailey and deeply regrets how she tried to abandon the teal-haired girl. She's fixed her friendship with Hailey, and the two are basically inseparable.

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