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"Y/N, come to the kitchen, dinner is ready!" my mother called. 

Our house was a little hut in the woods, in there it was just my mom and me. My father had another family and since I was a bastard child me and my mother were exiled to the woods. It didn't really matter to me. My mother was my life, I love her more than anything and I know she loves me the same.

"I'm here." I said as I entered the kitchen and sat on the little round table, my mother sat beside me and we started eating the food she had prepared. "How was your day mom?"

"Oh, it was okay, the kids were a little rowdier today but nothing I can't manage." she said with a smile. "How are your studies coming along?"

"They are great! I have a new paper that I have to write but nothing I can't manage." I said with a smile and we both laughed as I used her own words.

Mom worked as a teacher in the village close to the woods. I was following her footsteps, studying with an old woman that taught before my mother and I arrived.

It was a quiet life but it was a life that both of us were happy with. It was the two of us against the world like it always has been, unfortunately, it is like they say: how fast the night changes the day. 


As the night fell through we both laid our futons in the small living room and went to bed, falling asleep quickly after.

A noise startled me awake and I look at mom with wide eyes as she mentioned for me to be quiet. More noises came and suddenly a man was in front of us. He wore western clothing and had a hat. Without even batting an eye he ripped my mother's throat with his hands. It was a horrible sight, my sweet mother dead, blood everywhere, in me, in the bed, in the walls, and in that man. The man approached my figure and I trembled in fear unable to do anything but stare back at him.

"I was looking for you." he said as he touched my cheek "Someone that is the personification of perfection. Unfortunately, I can't take you now, I still need to find that damn flower, but don't worry my sweet lily, I will come for you." and then everything went black.


God, it's so cold. I wake up and everything I see is snow, everywhere. I have to survive. I have to avenge my mother. It's the only thought that crosses my mind as I start walking through the snow in search of a village or someone that can help me.


Time passes and the night is about to descend. My legs hurt more than anything. I can't feel my feet or my hands as my kimono and sandals aren't enough for this weather. I can't keep this up, but my mother, I have to avenge her. My legs give up but someone catches me. 

"Are you okay?" a young boy, probably my age, with red hair and red-like eyes speaks with a worried look. "You look unwell. Let me take you to my home, I promise we will take care of you." he said as he put me on his back and started walking.


"Are you sure she will be okay mother?"

"I don't know Tanjiro, she looked really unwell when you brought her but I believe she will have a good recovery." 

"Oh, she's opening her eyes!" as I opened them the first thing I saw was a child in front of me.

"Don't surprise her like that she is still recovering!" the boy that found me said. I sat with his help. "I'm Tanjiro, and this is my family. This is my mother Kie, my father Tanjuro, and my younger siblings Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta. I found you in the woods, where is your family? We can help bring you to them!" With that, I started crying.

"I don't have a family anymore." I said between hiccups "My mother was my only family and she was killed, I woke up in the woods where you found me."

"Then we will take you in sweety." Kie said as she gave me a motherly hug, which only made me cry harder.


Some years have passed and the Kamados adopted me. I was known as Y/N Kamado now. Tanjuro died which was a very sad event since he was a great man and we all loved him dearly. Nevertheless, life was good, in the mornings I helped Tanjiro with the coal work, and in the afternoons I helped Nezuko and Kie prepare the meals, in the evenings I played with the younger siblings and slept with Tanjiro at night since we shared a bed. Life was good, but the past was about to come back and change my life for the second time.

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