s1 ep20 - Pretend Family

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In a combined effort using Hinokami Kagura and Exploding Blood, Tanjiro and Nezuko defeat Lower Rank Five, Rui. As the demon's body falls, Tanjiro collapses in exhaustion, while Nezuko's and Y/N's bodies land on the ground. Tanjiro slowly crawls to his lover and sister.

Suddenly, he detects the scent of blood from behind him, noting that he doesn't smell ash: the scent present during a demon's death. To his horror, he hears something walking toward him, despite believing he had decapitated Rui. 

"Can't believe you thought you had won." The demon says walking to Y/N. "I haven't been this enraged in a long time, you know?" He picks up Y/N's body. Tanjiro attempts to crawl faster, and tries to get his breathing under control. Having put Y/N's body in a safe place, Lower Five draws a web in his hands and uses Blood Demon Art: Murderous Eye Basket. Blood threads begin to encircle Tanjiro; he desperately tries to calm himself and use his breathing technique but finds he is unable to even raise his arm.

As the threads close in on him, they slice both his hands and shred his uniform. Before Tanjiro can be killed, a light envelops him and it melts the webs. Both Tanjiro and Rui looked to the side, seeing you.


I look side to side desperate to find something to end the demon's life. Spotting Tanjiro broken sword I run in Rui's direction. In instinct my breath calmed down and the sword starting shining. Light enveloped and the sword become intact again, half ore half light. Running at the speed of light I close in on Rui and decapitate him. Transporting us both momentarily to a somewhere else. I don't know where I am at but this world feels comforting. Soft light covers everything. I look to Rui and see that he is no longer a demon, he's a boy. I smile at him and hug him.

"Now you can go home." Rui hugs me back and starts crying, he smiles at me and starts to become light, it dances around my body and then disappears. In a moment I am back at the forest. I fall down but something catches me.

"I'm glad you're safe." I hear Giyu say. And everything blacks out.

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