s1 ep18 - A Forged Bond

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"Stop it! Leave her alone!" Muzan screamed punching the mans legs as he dragged the crying girl to his lab.

"It's for her treatment, I have to try something, don't you want her to be cured?" The doctor said reaching his office.

"She doesn't want to be treated right now, she was sleeping peacefully so leave her alone!" The boy screamed out, but due to his sick young body the doctor overwhelmed him and managed to close the door. "NO! OPEN IT!" He screamed as he punched and kicked the door over and over again. Getting desperate, hearing the girl's screams and cries behind the door, he tried and tried to open the door until his hands were a pool of blood.

Meanwhile on the other side...

"Please stop it!" The girl struggled as the doctor locked her arms and legs in a doctor's chair and started taking out her blood. "What are you doing to me?"

"You know Y/N. I am a scientist at heart. And I discovered these flowers." The man said as he showed her a beautiful blue spider lily. "These flowers have a special effect, you know. I want to use them for Muzan's recovery but I'm doing something different with you." The doctor continued to explain the experiment. " By my calculations if you inject your DNA into these flowers you can be reborn. That's what I'm going to do with you. See, watch this. Right now I'm ejecting your blood in this seed. It will be germinated on a terrain that I have prepared with your blood that I have acquired during all these years. With that you can be reborn time and time again."

"So, I'll be born like a flower?"

"No, you silly girl. You have the DNA but you need to have the human body to create you. If, someone pregnant eats the flower, a poison will kill her baby and you will be born instead. You can be reborn as many times as the flower is eaten you just have to wait for the flower to bloom. I don't know what side effects it will have. Maybe your will be able to fly or have amazing strength, isn't that amazing?" He looked at the girl who now as full on crying and struggling against the straps. "Now, now don't cry."  The doctor said whipping the girls tears. "We just need to complete one more step and my creation will be done." With those words he stabbed the girl who screamed in agony.

Hearing her screamed Muzan desperate to reach the other side of the door cursed his weak body. He started trashing the hallway and living room looking for things to break down the door. He stopped by a glass full with a weird liquid.

"Maybe this is my cure." He said and, thinking about the young girl who he was in love with, he gulped down the glass. His body immediately reacted. Muzan went down on the ground grasping his body and twisting in weird forms. Not able to withstand the pain he fainted.

When he came to his senses the doctor bloody half-eaten body was in front of him. Muzan discarded the body and ran to the doctors office to look for Y/N but she was missing. He left the house to look for her and the first demon had been born.


Atop the suspended house, Zenitsu's condition worsens as he continues his attempts to slow the poison. As he struggles to breathe, he becomes unable to feel his arms and legs, as they have withered away. Down below, the transformed Demon Slayers look at the house, worried for their saviour's safety. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I wanted to be with you so bad." A memory of the girl smiling at him overcame his memories. "No! I have to stay strong for Y/N. She will be my wife." With new determination Zenitsu was able to support the poison until a woman enters his vision.

"Ara ara, are you alright?"


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