s1 e8 - The Smell of Enchanting Blood

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Tanjiro rushes forward to stop the man that had now turned into a demon. I run to the woman to try and stop the bleeding. As Muzan walks away with his family my eyes and his cross, he smiles at me and I shudder, and then he turns and leaves.

I finally secure the bleeding and rush to help Tanjiro who is struggling against the demon and almost getting hit by the police, but two pairs of hands push me back. I look back and see a boy, and a woman at his side smiling at me, they are both demons. She slides her kimono sleeves and performs her blood demon art, which is beautiful, helping Tanjiro. He turns back and looks at me. 

"Don't worry, we mean no harm." The woman speaks. "We both are demons, yes, but we are also doctors, and we also want to end Muzan."


Elsewhere Muzan puts his family in a taxi. Having done that he turns to walk into an alley, distracted by thinking of that girl he bumps into a drunk man. 

"Oi! Look where you're going. Look at your pale skin, you look sick, I must have no luck with women haha!" Enranged Muzan looks at him and punches him, crashing the man into the wall and breaking his skull. 

The brother of the man runs to punch Muzan but is quickly killed. The only one left is a woman, Muzan approaches her.

"Do you think I look unhealthy? Do you think no woman would want me?" He asks looking at her face.

"No, no, of course not! Everyone woman wants you, sir, I want you two!" The woman says and touches Muzan's face in a desperate attempt to keep herself alive.

"You filthy idiot." Muzan says cutting off her hand. "Only she is allowed to touch me." With that, he injects the woman with his blood making her dissolve in a pool of blood and gore.

Muzan summons two demons by his side.

"Bring me the head of the man with hanafuda earrings and bring me the human girl with (h/c) hair, alive and untouched." Then he turns to the demons. "If you harm a single hair on her head I will end you in the cruellest way I can manage." He states making the demons shudder.


"I'm sorry about the udon sir!" Me and Tanjiro say in unison bowing to the man.

"Hey! You better be! You wasted two perfectly good bowls of udon, you idiots!"

"I'm sorry sir! Give us two more we will eat it, please!" Tanjiro says. The man signs but complies. Me and Tanjiro eat the udon and after paying walk out. I'm in the middle with my right hand on Tanjiro's and my left on Nezuko's. 

"I'm sorry we left you Nezuko." I say looking at her apologetically. She nods happily but then stops. We look ahead and see the boy that accompanied the demon woman that saved us.

"Hmm, hello." He says looking at me and blushing, looking away. Both of my hands are squished. "Follow me, her house is this way." He says as he starts walking. I let go of their hands as they were hurting me for some reason. I walk up to the boy. "Are you two promised to each other?" 

"What? Me and Tanjiro? Oh, no! His family adopted me, he's like a brother to me." I can see the demon boy visibly relax.

"I see." He says smiling for the first time since I met him. We finally reach a dead end and the boy grabs my hand and walks into a wall. Nezuko and Tanjiro quickly follow. Behind the dead end stands a house.

As we enter the demon woman is treating the wife that was hurt earlier.

"Oh hello." She says standing up. "My name is Tamayo and this boy here is Yushiro." She says pointing at the boy.

"I'm Y/N, this is Tanjiro and Nezuko." I say pointing at the siblings. "I'm sorry if this is inconvenient to ask, but isn't it difficult to treat people, being around blood in general?" I ask

"Oh no, me and Yushiro have changed our bodies to allow us to perform such acts." She says as she guides us to a living room. "Please, get comfortable." 


As we conversed through the night the two demons tasked with hunting us find the house.

"Ohhhh, that girl smells nice!" The demon playing with temaris says.

"Yes, but don't forget with Muzan-sama said." The man states looking at her.


"Tamayo-san, do you think it's possible to transform demons back into humans." I say getting close to her face. She blushes and laughed, Yushiro who was by her side blushes looking at us.

"Right now, no it's not possible, but we are working on it." She says with a smile. Yushiro pushes me back gently for me to sit beside him. Nezuko screams and latches herself in my lap.

"How can we help?" I say looking at her and ignoring Yushiro and Nezuko fighting for a place in my lap.

"You two need to give us the blood of demons close to Muzan, especially the twelve." She explains. "Are you willing to help?"

"Of course, we will do everything in our power too! Right Tanjiro?" I ask the boy but he seems distracted staring at the two fighting in my lap. "Tanjiro?" He looks up at me and nods. Suddenly temaris flood the room pushing through everything. Four pairs of hands push me to the ground. As we all sense the strong presence of demons we look at each other shuddering.

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