s1 ep17 - You Must Master a Single Thing

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"Muzan! Muzan! Look at what I found!" A young child screamed out running to her friend. She had a red spider lily flower tucked in her hands as she ran through the snow, trying not to fall. She stopped besides the boy and and with a gentle touch, put the flower in the boys hair. "It's pretty isn't it? I brought it to you because it matches your eyes." The girl smiled pointing at the boys red eyes.

"Thank you Y/N." The boy said looking away with a blush on his face.

"You two rascals!" The doctor screamed out running to them. "How many times do I have to tell you two to don't get out of the house in this weather." He grabbed the two children by their hands and pushed them into the house. As they entered the house Muzan looked at the man with pure disgust. How dare he touch me and Y/N with his filthy hands. He quickly dusted off his arms, were the man had touched him and then turned to dust Y/N off. "No more talking. Go to your rooms." The doctor said closing the door to his office.

"What a disgusting man." Muzan said.

"Don't be so rude Muzan, he is the one that is treating us."

"He's not doing a good enough job. And this point we are going to die before he can cure us." The boy said angrily as he went to his room.

"Oh! You're going already?"

"Didn't you hear him? Are you stupid? It's already dark outside. Go to sleep." The boy said and closed his door.

"God, he doesn't need to be so rude about it." The girl muttered but did as he said and went to her room. As she closed the door she got her futon ready and put on her nightgown. She quickly went to bed and tried to sleep but she couldn't. 

It had been 3 years. 3 years since her parents had left her in the care of the doctor. She remembered that her mother used to cry a lot every day due to her sickness. Her father didn't know what to do either. Until one day, the heard that a boy from a good family had the same symptoms as Y/N. They brought the girl to the young doctor. The doctor had explained to them that he was preparing a cure for the young boy and could also cure the girl, but he didn't know if it would have the same effects on the two children since they had a different DNA and the drug was still in early development. The two of them being the first subjects. Nevertheless the parents decided to leave the girl in care of the doctor in hopes that one day she would come to them cured. 

"Auhg! This sucks!" The girl said as she tossed and turned on the bed. Finally she decided to grab her pillow and got up. Trying to be as quiet as she could she tiptoed across the house. Opening softly the door to her destination she steeped in and closed the door behind her.

"I knew you would come."

"Jesus! If you knew why would you scare me like that!"

"I apologize." Muzan shut the book he was reading. "But you're stupid, didn't you see I had the candle on." He said blowing out said candle. Y/N responded by mumbling something that the boy couldn't hear and looked at the ground but he smiled at her reaction. He walked do his futon and laid down. "Aren't you coming."

"Ah, yes, thank you." The girl went to his bed and placed her pillow. Muzan opened his arms and the girl responded by cuddling with him. "Muzan."


"Do you think we will ever be really cured?" The arms around her pressed her more towards the boy.

"We will, I'll make sure of it." He said and both slept soundly through the night.

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