s1 e11 - Tsuzumi Mansion

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"It's you!" The blonde boy screamed hugging me and crying desperately. "I finally found you! Marry me please!" 

"What?!?" Tanjiro screamed out tearing the boy away from me. "Have some respect! You don't even know her!" While they continued their screaming match I approached the young woman.

"Sorry about the trouble ma'am." I said bowing to her.

"Ah, it's okay. I'm going now then." She said as she walked away.

"Bye-bye." I said waving, after that I was tackled to the ground.

"No, she's mine! Marry me, you have to marry me before I die!" The boy from before screamed in my back crying.

"Get off her!!" An angry Tanjiro said grabbing him again.

"It's okay Tanjiro." I said getting up. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Zenitsu Agatsuma! I saw you at the Final Selection. I am so afraid of getting killed by the demons but you made me survive that hell hole. Thinking of seeing my goddess again brings me strength." The boy went on with hearts in his eyes. Tanjiro was preparing himself to punch him but I stepped in between them.

"You can come with us then, your sparrow said we have the same mission. The more the merrier right Tanjiro?" The said boy smiled at me nodding happily. Then I turned back to Zenitsu and he made a face.

"L-look your friend looks so scary looking at me! I think he hates me." He said crying more.

"Please run to your location! Please run to your location!" Tanjiro's crow appeared scaring Zenitsu.

"Ah, a talking bird!" Me and Tanjiro ignored him interlacing our hands and starting to run to the location. "No! Wait for me goddess!"

As we reach the mansion we saw a pair of children on the side.

"Hey, are you two okay? Is this your house?" I said getting closer to them.

"No, miss, it's the house of the monster! He took our older brother away we followed it here." They said. At that same moment, the windows of the mansion opened and out came a body that dropped to the ground. Tanjiro approached the body.

"He's dead." Tanjiro said. I looked back at the trembling children.

"That's not our brother miss, he wore a different kimono." The oldest said.

"Well then, I'm going." I said walking to the mansion. Tanjiro dropped Nezuko's box and followed me, saying to the children to look out for the box. Zenitsu followed us into the mansion.

After entering I turned to see the children grabbing my haori. "Nee-san, the box was making noises."

I was going to answer them but suddenly two doors opened separating us. I was alone. I started walking around the mansion until a flash passed through me and stopped a little ahead. The figure turned back to look at me and stared.

"Umm hello? Are you a demon slayer too?" I said walking up to the boar mask guy.

"What's your name?!?" He asked grabbing my haori.

"Y/N." I said a little awkwardly.

"Y/N, I'm Inosuke! The king of the mountains. I declare you will now become my subject. As your first order we will exterminate the demon living here." With that he grabbed me and started running through the mansion. He bashes through a wall with me in his back.

"Y/N!" Tanjiro screams in surprise. 

"Stand back! Me and my subject will exterminate you." He said putting me carefully on the ground and taking out his swords.

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