s1 e4 - Final Selection

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"You made it." Urokodaki says looking at the boulder in awe. "I had no intention of sending you to the Final Selection Y/N but if you two have made it and choose to go there I will not come in between you and your future." he said patting me on the head. I smiled at him but Tanjiro grabbed me and pushed me back.

"Thank you for your teachings Urokodaki-san." Tanjiro said bowing down. The man ignored him and pushed back into his arms in a hug.

"I hope you come back alive to me. Let's eat now before your journey." he took my hand and guided me back to his cabin, leaving an angry Tanjiro behind us.

We ate a banquet that night and I helped Tanjiro cut his long hair. After we were done Urokodaki offered each of us a fox mask to protect us. Tanjiro's was an ordinary mask, mine had gold details and seemed like it was perfected over a period of months. Me and Tanjiro went to bed together but I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to go look for Sabito. Getting out of Tanjiro's arms was a difficult task as he was holding me tight but I succeeded and left the cabin looking for the boy.

"Sabito? Sabito?" I called out for him.

"Y/N." a voice called me from behind scaring me. "Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing here so late at night?"

"I was looking for you. Urokodaki-san said I could go to the Final Selection, I'm going to leave tomorrow morning and wanted to say goodbye to you." Sabito looked at me saddened. He put his hands in his pockets and took a beautiful bracelet from it.

"Here, I know this is not very good but I made it myself, for you. With this, you will always have me with you. You just have to call my name." He said gifting me the bracelet.

"Thank you Sabito! I will always wear it. Goodbye, and I hope to see you after this." I said hugging the boy and running back to the cabin. Y/N, I wish I wasn't a ghost, I wish I was worthy of you, but I will follow you for eternity, my beautiful princess. The boy thought and transported his consciousness to the bracelet the girl now had on her hands as she hugged Tanjiro in their bed.

In the morning, me and Tanjiro went to say goodbye to Nezuko and left for the Final Selection.

After a day's travel, we finally arrived. There were several people our age there. A pair of twins inside told us that our goal was to survive the next seven days, trapped with the demons inside.

We were inside the forest already when we heard someone call for help. I went in the direction of the voice and Tanjiro followed me. There, we found a demon that had just killed a boy and eaten him. Suddenly he turned to me. 

"You, your blood." Then he looks at the mask that I carried. "Haha! Urokodaki always brings me the best foods."

"How do you know our master?" I asked grabbing my sword.

"He was the one that trapped me here, so I made it my mission of killing every single one of his students including that boy with the odd-coloured hair and that little girl." Me and Tanjiro looked at each other surprised. He was talking about Sabito and Makomo. "Anyways, you are going to be the first, girl." he said and lunged an arm at me. Tanjiro blocked the blow and we both started to fight the demon. At some point, I tripped and fell, fainting, using that to his advantage the demon lunged himself at me to kill me but was stopped by Sabito. Surprised the demon didn't have time to respond since Tanjiro, blinded by rage, cut his neck.

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