s1 e5 - My Own Steel

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After decapitating the demon Tanjiro runs in your direction holding you in his arms as the demon turns to ash.


For the next several days me and Tanjiro survive the challenge and finally reach the end. Together, with our hands intertwined we reach the clearance full of wisteria flowers with the other survivors.

"Oh no! Why am I alive?!?" a boy with yellow shouts and cries turning around and seeing the duo. Then he stops in his tracks and stares at the girl.

"Are you okay?" I ask trying to reach him but Tanjiro just pushes me.

"Just ignore him Y/N, I don't think his sane right now." Tanjiro says. Before I could argue with him the twins from before appear again. 

"Congratulations. You will now be assigned the rank of Mizunoto, the lowest rank on the demon slayers corps. You will also be assigned your own Kasugai crow." With that, they clap their hands and five birds descend. Tanjiro and the others receive a normal crow, the boy receives a sparrow and I receive a white crow. The twins seem surprised at that and look at me weirdly before smiling. Our change of looks is interrupted by a rude voice.

"I don't want a damn crow, I want my sword." a boy says grabbing one of the twins' hair. "So you two should give me my damn-" I grab his hand.

"Stop it, you're hurting her." The boy looks at me for a few minutes but lets go of the girl's head and turns around murmuring under his breath and his ears red. "Are you okay?" I say turning to the girl.

"Yes, thank you very much, my lady." She says and bows before me.

"Oh no, please just call me Y/N." I say waving my hands around. The twins giggle.

"Thank you, Y/N-san." They say bowing, I got nervous and start bowing to them too. "Yes, of course, no need to thank me." I turn back and see everyone staring at me. Tanjirooo I think with tears in my eyes as I turn to go back to his arms. Man, I have to get better at socializing.

"Here are the ores." The twins continue and make people stop staring at Y/N. "You should choose one and your sword will be made out of that ore." I smile excitedly and choose the first one that I think looks pretty, Tanjiro follows me giggling and after sniffing the ores he nears down on one.


At an unknown location, a man is informed that six have survived the Final Selection. And that one girl has received a white crow. The man's eyes widened. Could she be, the one of the legends?


Night falls as me and Tanjiro return to Urokodaki's hut. Tanjiro is carrying me on his back as he struggles to walk as we are both very tired. Suddenly the door is kicked down and Nezuko appears.

"Nezuko!" I say trying to leave Tanjiros back but falling with the boy. Nezuko runs to us and hugs us. Urokodaki appears too. "You're alive." he says tears falling from his mask as he hugs me.


Several days later I was fetching water when a man appears behind me.

"Hello! I'm Haganezuka and I forged the blades for Kamado Tanjiro and Kamado Y/N."

"Yes, thank you. I'm Y/N you can follow me home." I say guiding the man back to the hut. Tanjiro, our swords have arrived!"

Inside Urokodaki talks about the colour-changing blades. Tanjiro's sword turn black which is unusual, Haganezuka enraged thinking that the sword would turn a beautiful red starts fighting with Tanjiro.

"Haganezuka-san please stop it!" I say pushing him back, surprisingly he listens and sits back down looking at me intently. 

"It's your turn Y/N." Urokodaki gives me the sword. I grab it and it turns white with purple stripes along it. Haganezuka and Urokodaki stare at me.

"What? Is it a bad sign?" They quickly say no.

"It just never happened." Haganezuka states.

At that moment mine and Tanjiro's crows appear and deliver our very first mission. We prepare ourselves to start our lives as demon slayers.

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