s1 e1 - Cruelty

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"Y/N! Can you go with Tanjiro to the village today?" I heard Kie shouting from outside.

As I walked out the door I spotted Tanjiro who smiled at me, he was carrying a basket full of charcoal on his back.

"Yes, of course, Kie-san. We'll try hard to sell it since the new year is approaching." I said bowing to my adoptive mother. She smiled at me and I felt Tanjiro's hand on mine.

"Let's go Y/N." he said.

"Have a safe trip you two, come back before nightfall!" Kie said waving at us as we departed. We waved back and started our walk with our hands still interlaced. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" I turned around and saw Nezuko running to us with Rokuta on her back "Do you want to go and make snow angels with me today?"

"I'm sorry Nezuko, but mother asked me to go with Tanjiro to sell charcoal in the village." I said smiling and showing our interlaced hands which for some reason Tanjiro had grabbed harder. Nezuko frowned at the sight of her older brother with her crush. He keeps getting in my way but one day I will be the one she will marry. Her thoughts were somehow being read by her brother and he looked at her with anger. You will always be my little sister Nezuko, but me and Y/N are destined to be together. "Well, you two, we should get going or we're not going to make it in time to sell all of this" I said pointing at Tanjiro's basket with a smile. With that, we parted ways.


We made it to town and like always Tanjiro was helping people left and right. After helping a man accused of breaking a plate the man wanted to thank him privately and I gave them some space.

"Tanjiro, listen we all know that you have feelings for Y/N, so all joined in and bought this for you to give it to her." Tanjiro blushed and thanked him, accepting the beautiful ring. It was gold on the sides and had a pretty gem that matched his eye colour.

"Y/N!" I got up from the bench as I heard Tanjiro come back. "Here I got something for you" He said and showed me a beautiful ring.

"It's so pretty!" I said with a smile "Thank you"

"Yes, and now you can use it all the time, and we will always be together from now on." I smiled at him and put the ring on my finger.

"Thank you, I promise that I will never take it off."


Having sold all the charcoal we had we started our way to the house, but a man stopped us.

"You two! It's too late for you to be outside! Don't you know there are demons that roam at night, it will be safer to sleep the night in here and in the morning you two can go home." He said ushering us inside. Tanjiro looked a little hesitant but he grabbed my hands with force and went inside in front of me.

After having dinner with the man we laid our futon and went to bed. We slept together every night so it didn't bother me sleeping so close to him on this night, but for some reason, I felt a strange sensation in the air, like something familiar was passing by. I shuddered my shoulders. 

"Are you cold?" Tanjiro hugged me closer to him.

"Yes, thank you, I'm better now." I said as I snuggled up to him. Since the day he caught me in the woods he was the person I felt most safe with and I would never leave his side.


Y/N, you don't know this but one day you will. I love you more than anything Y/N. I will always protect you. I would do anything for you. I would do anything to keep you close to me like this forever. The boy hugged the girl closer to him, and with that, they both fell into a deep sleep.


Morning came and we both set out for our house. Suddenly Tanjiro stopped in his tracks. 

"Its blood. I smell blood." he said and he started running home, I followed after him. 

In front of us was a horrible sight. Nezuko on the ground outside and inside the house the bodies of my adoptive family lay on the floor with blood everywhere. Tanjiro put his hands in front of my eyes to block the sight.

"It's okay Y/N, everything is going to be okay, we're together, it's okay." he said but I didn't trust him, the memories of my mom kept coming back and I started crying as Tanjiro started trembling too. After some seconds Tanjiro let go of my trembling body to approach his family. "Y/N we have to get help at the village, Nezuko is still warm, we can still save her." he said and we started our walk back. But the snow was too thick and everything was so cold. Nezuko started making noises and movements, she grabbed my hand and the three of us fell down a cliff. Nezuko gets up and starts attacking Tanjiro, who manages to hold her back. I think back to the stories the man from the night before told us, Nezuko is now a demon, like that man. But I loved her, she was such a good friend, a good sister.

"Nezuko!" I screamed between tears "Please stop Nezuko, he's your brother don't you remember?" she looked at me and started crying ceasing her attack on her brother. Suddenly a young man with a sword came running down straight to Nezuko. Tanjiro dodged the attack.

"Why are you protecting a demon?"

"She's my younger sister Nezuko." In a blink of an eye, the man took Nezuko away from us.

"She's a demon now, and I will decapitate her for it."

"No, she's not bad, she doesn't eat any humans!" the man looked at me for a moment longer. A sudden need to protect the young girl passed through the slayer and he stabbed Nezuko in her shoulder. "No!" I said and hurled a stone at the man, which he dodged with ease. "Don't hurt her!" I said as I grabbed more stones and ran to him in an attempt to save Nezuko. In a second he ran to me and knocked me unconscious,

"Y/N!" Tanjiro screamed as he grabbed his hatched and ran to the man. The man knocked him unconscious too, before being surprised by the hatch which failed to hurt him by an inch. With this Nezuko breaks free and kicks the demon slayer. He panics as he sees the demon about to pounce on the unconscious Y/N. Instead, Nezuko stands in front of the girl ready to protect her. She and the demon slayer engage in a battle. She is protecting them, even if she is losing blood and weak she is protecting them. Maybe that girl was right, she is not bad. And she seems to be close to her, I would hate to see her sad. With his mind made up, he knocks the demon unconscious.


As I opened my eyes I see a haori on top of me.

"You are awake." the man said from before said. I looked around and ran to Tanjiro and Nezuko who stood on the ground. Nezuko had a bamboo muzzle on her mouth. "It's to protect her and the others." the man said as he put on the haori once again. 


"I'm here Tanjiro, me and Nezuko are here."

"Tanjiro" the man said, "Go to Mount Sagiri and find a man named Sakonji Urokodaki, tell him that Giyu Tomioka sent you." then he turned to me "You, come with me, it will be safer for you." as he approached me Tanjiro pushed me behind his back.

"She will stay with us." 

"It's her decision, not yours."

"Stop it. I thank you for your offer Tomioka-san, but I will stay with Tanjiro and Nezuko." The man looked down with a sad look but agreed to my decision.


After burying the bodies of my adoptive family, Tanjiro grabbed my hand and Nezuko grabbed the other, and we started walking to Mount Sagiri.

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