s1 e3 - Sabito and Makomo

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As I hug him, Tanjiro writes in his diary. He said his writing to Nezuko since she was still asleep. Suddenly, something picks me up from behind and Tanjiro turns angrily at the person.

"Your training shall begin today." Urokodaki says.

With that, he begins lecturing us on the history of demon slayers, what demons are capable of, and what is demons' art.

"I will train you two and if I decide you are capable of becoming a demon slayer, I will send you to the Final Selection where, if you pass, you will become formal demon slayers." then he turns to me "Y/N, you don't have to do this if you do not want to, Giyu has offered a place to stay in his mansion if you choose so, and you can also live with me, you don't have to choose this life."

"Urokodaki-san, my mother was killed by a demon, my adoptive family was killed by a demon, my sister is a demon and is suffering, and my brother will be alone if I left him, so no. I will stay here with them." Y/N... I love that you say you will stay with me but hopefully, you will stop seeing me as a brother but as a man. Tanjiro thought as he hugged Y/N.

Our life continues as we train. Me and Tanjiro become better at descending the mountain and can safely dodge the traps. After Urokodaki notices that he gives us a sword, we start failing once again.

With the sword, Urokodaki trains us in the art of swordsmanship. Swinging the blade over and over and teaching us about the right uses.

Urokodaki also starts training with us in battle. In Tanjiro's turn, he flips him over the head. But when is my turn Urokodaki just holds me. I'm glad that he doesn't flip me, that must have hurt Tanjiro.

Next, Urokodaki teaches us about total concentration, a form of breathing. He also starts teaching us water breathing and says that we need to become one with water. 

Six months pass and we were able to complete the training down the mountain for the last time successfully.

"I have nothing more to teach you two. Follow me." he says as he leads us through the forest. We end up in a place with two big boulders. "Now it's up to you two. Slice these boulders and you can go to the Final Selection." he says as he turns and leaves.

Tanjiro and I start training to slice the boulder and six months pass by. One night I couldn't sleep and I left to try and slice the boulder again, and fail again. Tears start falling down my face as I start punching the boulder until my hands bleed. Tired I drop to the floor. Suddenly I feel something warm being put around me. I turn around and see a man with a fox mask.

"Why do want to be a demon slayer?" he says sitting beside me.

"I'm looking for a cure to heal my sister." I say.

"I can help you slice the boulder, I already did in the past."

"You did! Thank you so much!" I say as I hug him, after some moments he hugs me back. "I'm Y/N. Who are you? Are you a student of Urokodaki's too?" 

"You can call me Sabito, and I am yes."

After that, every night me and Sabito train. Sabito has amazing skills and with each new training session, I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger.


Tanjiro had started to suspect something about Y/N and her weird behaviour. Getting angry and suspicious he follows her one night and finds her with a boy. They start training and after some time the girl hugs the boy and they laugh together. Tanjiro sees red and lunges and the boy. They engage in a battle but Tanjiro is no match for the boy and he knocks him unconscious.

"Sabito, you don't need to be so rough with him." I say as someone hugs me from behind. "Makomo, good evening!" I say to the smiling young girl.

"Don't worry Y/N-san I will take care of him now." she says with a smile turning to the unconscious boy. I'm only doing this for Y/N, not for you, I want her to always smile.  Makomo thinks. Sabito grasps my hand and takes me somewhere else.

"C'mon Y/N we will go train somewhere else, Makomo will take care of your brother." I nod to him, he seemed a little angry.

After some weeks, I'm finally able to slash the boulder.

"Congratulations Y/N, you can go to the Final Selection now."

"Thank you Urokodaki-san, but I will wait for Tanjiro." I say.

Tanjiro starts training with Sabito. And one night, while I watch with Makomo, they prepare for their final battle. Tanjiro wins.

"Good job, Tanjiro!" I say as I run to hug him. I turn to Sabito and see his face for the first time. "And thank your help Sabito." I say as I hug him. "And you two Makomo." I hug her too. They smile at me and vanish. In the place where Tanjiro had slashed his sword stood the sliced boulder. We look at each other in surprise and smiled happily.

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