s1 ep21 - Against Corps Rules

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"Y/N!" Tanjiro said trying to get closer to the girl but failing as Giyu pushed him away. Suddenly he sees butterflies surrounding the place and quickly puts Y/N in a safe place. Starting a clashing with Shinobu as Nezuko is being chased.


After they all had calmed down, the kakushi stared at you.

"She's so pretty."

"Yeah, can't believe she killed a lower moon."

"Pretty and strong."

"Ara ara, are you two perverts?" Shinobu said scaring the kakushi to death. "You can leave, I'll take care of this one." The kakushi bowed and left not after casting a last glance at you. Shinobu got closer to you analysing ever single bit of your figure.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah, Tomioka-san. Did she really killed a lower moon?"

"Yes, I saw it myself. I believe she has invented a breathing style. Light breathing it seems." Giyu said getting closer to your figure too.

"It actually already exists. I saw it in a book. But it hasn't been used in years. I wonder where she learn it from." They both got up. "Anyways let's get her back to the mansion. Master wants to meet her."

"Alright, I'll cary her." Giyu said grabbing your arm.

"Why? Are you doubting my capability? I can cary her." Shinobu said with a smile grabbing your other arm.

"What are they doing? At this point we won't be able to go." One of the kakushi said watching the Hashiras fighting for the girl.


"Hello." A feminine soft voice spoke. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a different room. There was a woman and a man looking at me.

"The kakushi brought you here. We decided to leave you here first for the meeting and then you will go to the butterfly mansion." The male spoke. "I am Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the demon slayer corp, this is my wife." The leader of the demon slayer corp?! I quickly bowed down to him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." 

"Oh you don't need to do that." He said softly. "They are waiting on the other side of the door. Do you mind guiding me?" He said giving me his hand. I noticed that his eyes were completely white. He was probably blind. 

"Of course sir." I started guiding him through the door.

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