s1 e2 - Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki

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Tanjiro had left to go and look for a basket while I stayed behind with Nezuko in the dirty tunnel. Nezuko dug herself into the ground and grabbed me to go inside with her. She nuzzled into me and I patted her head. After some time Tanjiro arrived with a basket in his back.

"Y/N? Nezuko?" he asked and we both stuck our heads out of the ground. "Hey you two, Nezuko I found a basket for you do you think you can fit inside." Nezuko looked at me a little hesitant. 

"You can try and get small and then we will be with you through the day and you'll be safe from the sunlight." I said urging her to go inside. She did what I told her and went inside the basket. Tanjiro and I left the tunnel with the basket on his back.

With Nezuko now protected with continued our way to the mountain.


Night arrived and we saw a temple, Tanjiro suddenly smelled blood, he ran inside and I followed him. Inside was a demon eating the corpses of dead people. Immediately he locks eyes with me.

"You. You're blood. I want it." he said as he lunged at me. Tanjiro quickly pushed me out of the way and fought the demon with his hatchet. Nezuko started fighting too and kicked the demon's head off. Tanjiro continues fighting even as the head grows arms and the rest of its body throws Nezuko into the nearby forest. I quickly go after them and find Nezuko being kicked towards a cliff. I lunge at the body and hurled it down the cliff, but the body pushes me with it. Nezuko grabs my arm keeping me from falling and with the help of her brother that had come to help us to push me to safety.

We go back to the place where the head is and Tanjiro prepares himself to kill it with a knife, but he hesitates.

"Tanjiro, by killing it we will be protecting others." I say and he looks back at me. But his eyes focus on something behind me. I turn around and see a man with a red mask.

"You won't be able to kill him with a knife. Try this rock." he says as he picks up a nearby rock and gives it to Tanjiro. Still, Tanjiro hesitates and the sun comes up killing the demon instantly. Seeing what sunlight does to demons I rush to find Nezuko. Fortunately, she's in the basket inside the temple safe from the sunlight.

Together with the man we bury the dead people that we found in the temple.

"I'm sorry if I disturb you sir, but what's your name?" I ask the man having finished our task.

"Sakonji Urokodaki. I see that you are the children that Giyu sent me."

"Ah yes! Of course, thank you for taking us in sir." I said bowing to him, and I could sense him smiling behind his mask.

"You two, you saw what a demon is now, and what he is capable of. Your sister is a demon. What will you two do if she devours a human?" Tanjiro stands still looking at the man but I quickly respond.

"Kill her and then myself sir." 

"Correct..." he hesitates "Y/N sir" I say

"Yes Y/N, you have the right mindset. Now for you." he says turning to Tanjiro and slapping him in the face. "You're too slow."

"Now the Demon Slayers are those that protect people from demons, like Giyu. I will test you two to see if you are capable of joining the corps. Follow me." With that, the man starts running. Me and Tanjiro quickly run after him with Tanjiro carrying Nezuko's basket. We struggle but finally reach his house.

"Have *pant* have we passed *pant* the test?" Tanjiro asks while I struggle to breathe with my hands on my knees. He looks at us. 

"The test is beginning now, you have to climb the mountain."

"HUH?" we both scream.


With Nezuko safe asleep inside the house we climb the mountain. By the time Urokodaki stops I'm almost dying and clinging to Tanjiro. Urokodaki pats me in the head.

"Now, now Y/N the test is only beginning. You both have to climb down the mountain now, good luck." With that, he disappears.

"Huh? Where did he go?" I say looking around.

"Don't worry Y/N, we can go down easily, we have my sense of smell." Tanjiro said proudly pointing at his nose. I smile at him and we both start running down.

"Tanjiro! We will reach Urokodaki's house my dayli-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I fell into a hole. 

"Y/N!" Tanjiro said falling into another hole.


After hours we finally reached Urokodaki's house. Tanjiro opened the door with me leaning on his side.

"We...have...returned" he said before we both lost consciousness, my body being caught by Urokodaki as Tanjiro's fell to the ground.

Urokodaki recalls Giyu's letter. Asking him to train both Tanjiro and Y/N since they wanted to be demon slayers. He adds that he doesn't believe that Nezuko will kill any human, and asks him to treat Y/N kindly since he senses that she was special and that if he could send letters to him, noting down how she is doing. Looking at the two beaten-down children, he accepts them as his students.

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